Styx Master of Shadows guide

Styx: Master of Shadows is a stealth game with light RPG elements developed by Cyanide Studio and published by Focus Home Interactive. Players control Styx, a centuries-old goblin assassin and master thief. His goal: infiltrate the colossal Tower of Akenash to steal the Heart of the World Tree, a source of magical Amber, guarded by both humans and elves. Styx relies on stealth, agility, and cunning to overcome his physical limitations and the heavily fortified tower. Direct confrontation is rarely an option due to his small size. This guide provides a complete walkthrough to navigate the tower's treacherous levels and uncover the locations of hidden treasures, coins, and relics scattered throughout.

Table of contents

(Prologue: Memories) Introduction: Reminiscences 
Mission 1: Akenash Atrium
Mission 2: Master Key!
Mission 3: Deliverance
Mission 4: The Creator
Mission 5: The Architect
Mission 6: Conflagration
Mission 7: Renaissance + Ending 
Relics Location

Prologue: Memories (Reminiscences)

This walkthrough covers the three sections of the Reminiscences tutorial.

Reminiscences 1: The Dagger and the Distillery

Main Objectives:

  • Acquire a dagger.
  • Reach the distillery.

After the opening cutscene, proceed forward and crouch/slide (default "C" or roll with "F") through the hole. Jump ("Spacebar") to reach the higher opening. Carefully traverse the wooden planks to avoid falling and collect a Life Vial.

In the next room, climb the wall by jumping while holding the grab input. After dropping into the hole, crouch ("C") to enter stealth mode and sneak past the sleeping guard. In the following room, you'll learn to extinguish torches. Run past the torch and use the lever at the end of the hall to open the gate.

Follow the path and crouch through the hole in the wall. Several guards patrol this area. Wait for the closest guard to turn his back before moving under the scaffolding to the other side. Retrieve your dagger and climb the wall. Pick the lock on the door ("E") and proceed.

Climb the wall to reach a higher passage. You'll encounter your first enemy. Drop onto the carpet below and approach the guard from behind to perform a silent takedown. Hide the body in the nearby closet and pull the lever in the next room.

You'll now face an enemy in direct combat. Parry his attacks twice to defeat him. Timing is crucial; parry just before the attack lands. In the next room, you'll learn to use sand to extinguish torches from a distance. Use the small passage to the side and wait for the guard to turn around before advancing.

After a series of steps, hug the barrel (hold right mouse button) and wait for the two guards to move away. Hug the railing and carefully walk along the edge to the other side. As you attempt to move forward, a guard will approach.

Turn back and return to the room's entrance. Use the open window to re-enter the hallway. Pick the lock at the end to complete this section.

Reminiscences 2: Amber and Clones

Main Objectives:

  • Obtain Amber at the distillery.
  • Exit the distillery.

Crouch and move behind the two conversing men in the hallway. Peek through the keyhole ("Left Mouse Button") to check the path. Pick the lock to open the door and collect the Amber Vial from the chest. This unlocks the ability to create clones.

At the closed gate, create a clone ("1") and then control it ("1" again). Have the clone pull the lever on the other side to open the gate.

Move towards the mechanism through the pipe on the right and silently eliminate the guard. Activate the mechanism to proceed.

Use Amber Vision ("3") to better see your surroundings. Your goal is to reach the hideout marker. Several paths are available. You can go right and eliminate the sleeping guard or take a lower path by sneaking under the scribes' desks.

The easiest route is to bypass the sleeping guard and pick the door on the right. Neutralize the guard leaning against the crates and jump onto the cart below. Climb the wall to reach the pipe leading to your hideout.

Styx Master of Shadows
Reminiscences 3: The Sewerman's Hook

Main Objectives:

  • Find your way to the hideout.
  • Acquire the sewerman's hook.

Secondary Objective:

  • Steal the relic.

Avoid jumping directly down; use the hooks on the right wall to descend safely. Approach the man behind the gate to trigger a cutscene and open a secret passage. After the conversation, climb the stairs and use Amber Vision to follow the markings.

Climb the wall to meet another man who mentions hidden relics. Continue climbing through a guarded corridor where you can find throwing knives. Descend the stairs and silently assassinate the guard.

Jump onto the scaffolding for a safer descent. Avoid or eliminate the guards and climb the stairs towards the hideout and the sewerman's hook.

Use Amber Vision to find and interact with the symbol to open the hideout entrance. Inside, you'll find an Amber Vial and the sewerman's hook. Guards will then appear; use invisibility ("4") to evade them.

Continue until you reach a well patrolled by three guards. Sneak past them or eliminate them one by one. Follow your objective marker to reach a large square with a statue. Bypass the guards using the edges and higher ground, then proceed to the right at the bottom to find the final entrance to your hideout.

Mission 1: Akenash Atrium

This walkthrough covers the four sections of Mission 1: Akenash Atrium.

Akenash Atrium 1: Infiltrating the Embassy

Main Objectives:

  • Infiltrate the embassy.

Secondary Objective:

  • Kill Godebert and dispose of his body.

After visiting your stash, begin the mission. Your initial objective is to enter the embassy. Approach the large closed gate. You can either climb the wall to the right or take a path to the left to bypass the gate entirely.

Heading right, wait for the two conversing guards to separate. Climb the wall using the handholds and jump to the highest platform on the other side.

Bypass the guards and drop down to the ground. You'll encounter Godebert (for the secondary objective). Approach him to trigger a conversation between him and an associate, then follow him to a secluded area to eliminate him. Carry his body and throw it over the edge.

Climb the wall near where you killed Godebert for quick access to the upper floor. Cross to the front door undetected and enter the hole. Climb the stairs, being mindful of the patrolling guard.

At the top, use the handholds to reach the next floor. Eavesdrop on the conversation between the two men and then sneak past them and up the next flight of stairs.

The final area is heavily guarded. Wait for one of the guards to approach you and either eliminate or bypass him. Wait for one of the remaining two guards to move around the brazier, then climb onto the lower cupboard and enter the adjacent room. Proceed through the door to enter the embassy.

Akenash Atrium 2: Airship Schedules and the Vault

Main Objectives:

  • Obtain the airship schedules.
  • Reach the library.

Secondary Objective:

  • Loot the vault.

Climb the stairs to the right and unlock the door at the top. Enter the room and immediately retreat to avoid being spotted by the passing guard. Wait for him to leave.

Silently eliminate the two guards on this floor. Position Styx before a lever and create a clone to interact with a second lever on the other side. Both levers must be activated almost simultaneously to open the vault. Inside, you'll find a room containing a Life Vial and an Amber Vial.

Exit the vault and follow the marker to the airship schedules. You'll reach a room with two guards. Poison the food on the table to eliminate them both at once. Climb the stairs on the right and eliminate the cleaning man. Continue climbing to reach the top floor without being detected by the other guard. If the other janitor spots you, eliminate him silently before he raises an alarm. Proceed down the hall until the soldier turns his back.

A guard is sleeping in the hallway. Use this opportunity to climb onto the railing. The airship schedules are just behind the wall. Wait for the two guards to look away before stealing the document.

To reach the library, return to the hallway and exit to the right. Descend one floor using the handholds on the wall. Descend another floor using more handholds, paying less attention to the ongoing meeting. Follow the guard from behind and quickly pick the lock on the large door to exit this sector.

Akenash Atrium 3: Meeting Ector and the Incinerator

Main Objectives:

  • Find Ector Ozkan.
  • Follow Ector.
  • Reach the dining plans.
  • Escape the incinerator.

Secondary Objective:

  • Retrieve the book Ozkan wants.

In this section, being detected results in mission failure. While you can still eliminate enemies, raising an alarm will force a restart. Proceed towards the marker and climb the wall to the right. Follow the ledge to the next room.

Two guards are present. Wait for one to look away from the mat before dropping onto it. Hide under the shelf and descend the stairs when the coast is clear.

At the bottom of the stairs, use the handholds to reach the platform. Silently neutralize the rafter and proceed through the opening below.

Avoid another rafter and descend the stairs to a room guarded by two men. Bypass or eliminate them and continue down to find Ector talking to a guard.

Climb through the hole in the shelf to speak with Ector. You must now follow him. Ector can walk freely, but you must remain undetected. Keep your distance. When he stops, talk to him again so he opens a door and asks you to eliminate two rafters. He provides you with acid vials to dissolve the bodies.

Start with the marked "Target" enemy. Assassinate him and use an acid vial on his body. Move to the chandelier to detach it. The second rafter will then approach, allowing you to easily eliminate him and dissolve his corpse.

Before following Ector, go all the way down following the "Cache" marker. Use Amber Vision to find and interact with a symbol to open a secret passage. Retrieve the book inside to complete the secondary objective.

Return to Ector and use the newly opened path. Create a clone to pass through the gates and activate a lever for Styx. In the next room, bypass the two guards on the sides or above to reach a lever that opens the main gate.

Follow the marker and open the front door. You must now activate the four braziers around the statue in the correct order to proceed. Facing the statue, activate the levers in this sequence: back left, front right, front left, and finally back right. To complete the area, unlock the back door to access the incinerator.

Akenash Atrium 4: Return to the Hideout

Main Objectives:

  • Return to the hideout.

Secondary Objective:

  • Steal the relic.

You must now traverse the incinerator to return to your lair. Initially, follow the ledge you're on. At the end, climb down the well. Cross the room following the marker while avoiding detection.

Descend the steep flight of stairs. Pick the lock on the door and eliminate the hammer-wielding man who has his back to you. Drop into the large room and pull the lever to proceed.

Continue avoiding the many guards in the incinerator's main hall and pull another lever further ahead. At the bottom, go through the small passage and eliminate the archer if necessary.

You'll encounter strange creatures called Cabysses. They are blind but react to noise. Use this to your advantage to eliminate them and pull the lever at the bottom to enter the next room. Many of these creatures are present here.

Before rushing towards your objective, go to the bottom of the fungus-covered wall to access a hidden area. You'll find four Cabysses guarding the mission's relic. Proceed carefully and silently to retrieve it.

Now you can return and proceed to the exit of this sector.

Mission 2: Master Key (Sesame Quarters)

This walkthrough covers the four sections of Mission 2.

Sesame Quarters 1: Reaching the Docks

Main Objectives:

  • Reach the docks via the viaduct.

Secondary Objectives:

  • Find the smugglers' hiding places.

This section requires you to reach the docks while locating three smugglers' hideouts. Bypass the initial guards and climb the stairs to the right. At the top, climb the wall using the hooks to reach the upper level.

Take down the guard and pick the lock on the door upstairs. Be cautious; a guard will approach. Hide until he leaves.

Go to the gate on the far left and create a clone to activate the lever on the other side. You'll find a coin and an Amber Vial in the room.

Head to the "Mechanism" marker and interact with the lever to open the gate. Now follow the "Cache" marker on the right. Walk under the arch and jump across to reach the cache containing a coin and a Life Vial.

Follow the final "Stash" marker. Return to the mechanism and this time take the upper path. Drop down by the brazier to reach the last cache containing throwing knives and a coin.

Now follow the "Docks" marker. Climb the steps to reach a heavily guarded room. The rafters are spaced enough to allow you to sneak between the guards and reach the door to complete the sector.

Sesame Quarters 2: Infiltrating Barimen's Apartments

Main Objectives:

  • Infiltrate Barimen's apartments.

Secondary Objectives:

  • Steal the relic.

The objective is to access Barimen's apartments by hiding in a goods trunk. Go to the right to reach the wagons. Bypass them and go up the stairs.

Climb the wall to access the balcony. Go to the right and press the slightly hidden button. A slab will move, revealing the mission's relic underneath.

Head towards the tower, progressing along the beams. Enter the building from the lower level. Go upstairs and follow the path to reach a large storage room.

Stay to the side to avoid the numerous soldiers. You'll need to make some jumps to reach the room containing the safe. Wait until the guards move away from the trunk and enter it to exit this sector.

Sesame Quarters 3: Stealing Barimen's Key

Main Objectives:

  • Steal Barimen's key.
  • Return to the safe house with the key.

Secondary Objectives:

  • Steal Barimen's valuable "Queen."

Your goal is to retrieve Barimen's key. New enemies, knights, are present. Unlike other guards, you cannot directly eliminate them with melee attacks. You must either avoid them or use the environment to your advantage. Open the door in front of you. A knight patrols beyond. Climb to the right to gain height and enter the library through the ceiling. Wait for the second knight to walk under the chandelier and detach it to eliminate him.

Head to the "Stash" marker to locate a large room. Eliminate the guards and use Amber Vision to spot a symbol on the library. Interact with it to open a secret passage to a long corridor.

At the end, you'll see marked tiles that are trapped. To pass, you must follow a specific path indicated by symbols painted on the banners along the sides. You may need to jump to reach the next safe tile. On the other side, retrieve the report from the desk and the key. A cutscene will trigger, revealing a new area and the arrival of many guards.

Pull the lever to deactivate the traps and return to the room. Wait for the guards to move and then cross the hall by climbing the railing. Once the two soldiers in the hallway separate, proceed through the door that opened during the cutscene.

Unlock the front door towards "The Queen" marker. By peeking through the keyhole of the second door, you'll see soldiers, including a knight, guarding the object. Climb to the right and go completely around the building to enter through a window. Detach the chandelier to eliminate two enemies. Retrieve "The Queen."

Return and continue down the stairs. Many men patrol here, but you can easily avoid them while they are moving. Go down another floor to reach a large patio. Take the central stairs down towards the drain.

Neutralize the guard for convenience and go through the pipe behind him. At the end, drop down into the hallway and unlock the door. Bypass the guards and descend again to reach the balcony. Jump to the other side to avoid the adjacent room containing many enemies.

Open the gate with the lever and sneak under the cart to reach the entrance to the drains, exiting this sector.

Mission 3: Deliverance

This walkthrough covers the four sections of Mission 3: Deliverance.

Deliverance 1: Reaching the Prison Elevator

Main Objectives:

  • Reach the elevator to the jails.
  • Board the elevator and hide.

After the cutscene in your stash, you begin your mission to free your friend. You'll recognize a familiar area. Drop off the platform and move while avoiding the guards. Descend using the handholds on the right. Continue to the well and go through the arch on the right.

Jump down and proceed to the "Mechanism" marker, which leads to a large square with carts. Climb the railing on the left to reach the upper level. Eliminate the guards and use the crates for cover and diversion.

Use the resulting panic to reach the other side and activate the mechanism that operates the lift.

Descend using the handholds and hide in the trunk of the elevator to exit the sector.

Deliverance 2: Activating the Wing Levers

Main Objectives:

  • Activate the East Wing lever.
  • Activate the West Wing lever.

Secondary Objectives:

  • Steal the guards' pot.

A short cutscene introduces a new enemy: the Inquisitor. Proceed to the bridge and use the handholds on the right to go upstairs.

Enter the room on the left and sneak under the desk and the platform to find a small passage in the wall. Open the cell door and wait for the guard to turn his back before pulling the lever, which will cause a prison riot.

Use the chaos to climb the stairs and grab the pot from the table. Now that the secondary objective is complete, focus on the main objectives. Go back down a floor and use the lever to activate the mechanism. A gate will rise, but you must do the same with a second mechanism.

From this position, jump on the handholds across to reach the other side of the sector. Once there, stand on the left railing and chain jumps to directly reach the second mechanism.

You can now head to the lab. Return to the middle path and bypass the guards. It’s relatively easy to eliminate two rafters one by one, then kill two guards with throwing knives, and finally deal with the last one, if necessary, in direct combat. In the next room, climb the right wall to reach the balcony and neutralize the rafter. Finally, go through the gate to exit the area.

Deliverance 3: Entering High Security

Main Objectives:

  • Enter the high-security area.

Secondary Objectives:

  • Steal the coolant balls for Ozkan.

You start at the top of a tree. You have two options for descending, but both paths lead to the same place. The easiest way is to drop straight down using the handholds to reach the ground. The other way involves a larger detour with a bonus room filled with enemies. Once at the base of the tree, proceed to a closed gate. Use your clone to cross and activate the lever.

Proceed down the long corridor until you see a knight and two inquisitors talking. Follow the knight to find the location of the coolant balls for Ozkan. To easily retrieve them, climb onto the two cabinets in the hallway, take the small tunnel to enter the room, and wait for the guard to turn his back before picking them up.

Progress to reach a large torture chamber. To simplify things, go to the right towards the vacuum pipe to reach a lower level. At the end of the tunnel, climb up to reach another torture chamber. Turn right to reach the orc prison.

Follow the marker to the high-security area. You'll notice a sleeping orc blocking the path. He is blind but not deaf! Proceed as quietly as possible and enter the duct towards the next area.

Mission 4: The Creator
Now the 4th mission of Styx: Master of Shadows.

Mission 4: The Creator takes Styx deeper into the mysteries of Akenash and his own origins. This mission is divided into several sections, each presenting unique challenges and requiring strategic use of Styx's stealth abilities.

General Tips for Mission 4:

  • Verticality is Key: This mission features multi-tiered environments. Use your climbing and jumping skills to navigate rooftops, balconies, and interior ledges.
  • Observe Patrols: Pay close attention to guard patrol patterns. Identify their routes and blind spots to plan your movements effectively.
  • Use Darkness: Stick to the shadows whenever possible. Extinguish torches and use dark corners to remain unseen.
  • Clone and Amber Vision: Utilize your clone for distractions and diversions. Amber Vision helps highlight interactive elements and enemy positions.

While a detailed, step-by-step walkthrough for each subsection would be quite lengthy, here's a breakdown of the key areas and objectives within Mission 4: The Creator, along with strategic advice:

Key Areas and Objectives:

  • The Archives: This area emphasizes stealth and agility. You'll need to navigate through bookshelves, climb ledges, and avoid guards patrolling the area. Look for opportunities to use overhead pathways and chandeliers to your advantage.
  • The Laboratory: This section introduces new environmental hazards and enemy types. Be cautious of traps and utilize your throwing knives to eliminate enemies from a distance. The laboratory also presents opportunities for environmental kills, such as dropping objects on unsuspecting guards.
  • Meeting the Creator: This is a pivotal moment in the story. The encounter with the Creator provides crucial information about Styx's past and the nature of Amber.
  • The Escape: After meeting the Creator, you'll need to escape the laboratory. This section is often timed or involves a heightened enemy presence, requiring quick thinking and precise movements.

Strategies and Tactics:

  • Distraction and Diversion: Use your clone to distract guards, create openings, and trigger environmental hazards.
  • Silent Takedowns: Prioritize silent takedowns whenever possible to avoid alerting other enemies.
  • Environmental Kills: Look for opportunities to use the environment to your advantage, such as dropping chandeliers or pushing objects onto enemies.
  • Adapt and Improvise: Be prepared to adapt your strategy based on the situation. Sometimes, a quick escape or a change of plans is necessary to succeed.

By utilizing these tips and strategies, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the challenges of Mission 4: The Creator and uncover the secrets it holds. Remember to be patient, observant, and resourceful, and you'll successfully guide Styx through this crucial chapter of his journey.

Mission 5: The Architect
On the 5th mission of Styx: Master of Shadows!

Mission 5: The Architect is a pivotal point in Styx: Master of Shadows, where the stakes are raised and the mysteries surrounding Akenash and Styx's origins deepen. This mission emphasizes stealth, exploration, and environmental manipulation.

General Strategies for Mission 5:

  • Environmental Awareness: This mission has intricate level design with many vertical elements and hidden pathways. Thoroughly explore each area to find alternative routes and advantageous positions.
  • Enemy Variety: You'll encounter a mix of familiar and new enemy types, each with their own patrol patterns and weaknesses. Adapt your tactics accordingly.
  • Resource Management: Manage your resources effectively, especially throwing knives, sand, and Amber. These will be crucial for overcoming challenging situations.
  • Patience and Observation: Take your time to observe enemy patrols and plan your moves carefully. Rushing will often lead to detection and failure.

Here's a breakdown of the key areas and objectives within Mission 5: The Architect, along with strategic advice:

Key Areas and Objectives:

  • The Hideout Assault: The mission begins with an attack on Styx's hideout. This section serves as a combat tutorial, forcing you to eliminate a group of enemies. However, even here, stealth can be used to thin their numbers before engaging in direct confrontation.
  • Navigating the Complex: After escaping the hideout, you'll navigate a complex network of corridors, chambers, and vertical shafts. This section emphasizes exploration and environmental traversal. Look for hidden passages, climbable surfaces, and opportunities to use the environment to your advantage.
  • The Architect's Chambers: This area is heavily guarded and requires careful planning and execution. Use your clone to distract enemies, create diversions, and trigger environmental hazards.
  • Confronting the Architect: The climax of the mission involves a confrontation with the Architect. This encounter is more about stealth and manipulation than direct combat. Use your knowledge of the environment and the Architect's behavior to outsmart him.

Specific Tactics:

  • Using the Environment: Look for opportunities to use the environment to your advantage. You can drop objects on enemies, extinguish torches to create shadows, and use vents and shafts to bypass guards.
  • Clone Usage: Your clone is invaluable for creating distractions, triggering traps, and reaching otherwise inaccessible areas.
  • Stealth Kills: Prioritize stealth kills whenever possible to avoid alerting other enemies.
  • Adaptability: Be prepared to adapt your strategy based on the situation. Sometimes, a quick escape or a change of plans is necessary to succeed.

Mission 5: The Architect is a challenging but rewarding experience that tests your mastery of Styx's stealth abilities. By utilizing these tips and strategies, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the treacherous environment and uncover the secrets of the Architect. Remember to be patient, observant, and resourceful, and you'll successfully guide Styx through this crucial chapter of his journey.

Mission 6: Conflagration
Here we come to the 6th mission of Styx: Master of Shadows.

Mission 6: Conflagration marks a turning point in Styx: Master of Shadows, as the tower of Akenash is engulfed in flames, creating new challenges and opportunities. This mission emphasizes quick thinking, adaptability, and using the environment to your advantage.

General Strategies for Mission 6:

  • Fire as a Mechanic: The fire is not just a visual effect; it's a gameplay mechanic. It creates new paths, blocks others, and affects enemy behavior. Observe how the fire spreads and use it to your advantage.
  • Time Sensitivity: Some sections of this mission are time-sensitive due to the spreading fire. You'll need to move quickly and efficiently to avoid being caught in the flames.
  • Environmental Hazards: The fire creates new environmental hazards, such as falling debris and exploding objects. Be mindful of your surroundings and avoid these dangers.
  • Altered Enemy Patrols: The fire disrupts enemy patrols and creates confusion. Use this to your advantage to bypass or eliminate guards.

Here's a breakdown of the key areas and objectives within Mission 6: Conflagration, along with strategic advice:

Key Areas and Objectives:

  • Initial Escape: The mission begins with Styx needing to escape the initial outbreak of the fire. This section emphasizes quick movement and navigating through burning environments.
  • Navigating the Burning Tower: As the fire spreads, you'll need to find new routes and adapt to the changing environment. This section requires careful observation and use of your climbing and jumping skills.
  • Reaching Key Locations: You'll have specific objectives that require you to reach certain locations within the burning tower. These areas are often heavily guarded and require careful planning and execution.
  • Confrontations and Escapes: You'll face both confrontations with enemies and urgent escapes from spreading flames. Be prepared to switch between stealth and more direct action as needed.

Specific Tactics:

  • Using the Fire: Use the fire to your advantage. You can use it to create distractions, block enemy paths, and even eliminate enemies directly.
  • Quick Movement: Practice your movement and parkour skills to navigate the burning environment quickly and efficiently.
  • Environmental Awareness: Be aware of falling debris, exploding objects, and other environmental hazards created by the fire.
  • Adaptability: Be prepared to adapt your strategy based on the changing environment and the behavior of the fire.

Mission 6: Conflagration is a thrilling and intense experience that tests your ability to think on your feet and adapt to a dynamic environment. By utilizing these tips and strategies, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the burning tower and complete this challenging chapter of Styx's journey. Remember to be quick, observant, and resourceful, and you'll successfully guide Styx through the flames.

Mission 7: Renaissance + Ending
Here is the final mission of Styx: Master of Shadows!

Mission 7: Renaissance is the climactic final mission of Styx: Master of Shadows. It brings together the various plot threads and culminates in a final confrontation. This mission combines elements of stealth, puzzle-solving, and a unique boss encounter.

General Strategies for Mission 7:

  • Knowledge of Previous Levels: This mission revisits some familiar areas, so remembering their layouts and enemy patrol patterns will be beneficial.
  • Resource Management: Conserve your resources, especially Amber, as you'll need them for crucial moments.
  • Observation and Patience: Take your time to observe enemy movements and plan your approach. Rushing will likely lead to detection and failure.
  • Understanding the Mechanics: The final encounter utilizes specific mechanics that you'll need to understand to succeed. Pay attention to the environment and any clues provided.

Here's a breakdown of the key areas, objectives, and strategies within Mission 7: Renaissance:

Key Areas and Objectives:

  • Return to Familiar Locations: You'll revisit areas from earlier missions, but they may be altered or have increased enemy presence. Use your prior knowledge to navigate these areas efficiently.
  • Solving Environmental Puzzles: You'll encounter puzzles that require you to manipulate the environment to progress. Look for interactive elements and clues within the environment.
  • The Final Confrontation: The climax of the mission is a unique encounter that tests your understanding of the game's mechanics. It's not a traditional combat encounter but rather a test of your stealth, agility, and ability to use your clone effectively.

Specific Tactics and Strategies:

  • Using the Environment: As always, use the environment to your advantage. This includes using shadows, climbing surfaces, and finding hidden pathways.
  • Clone Tactics: Your clone will be essential for solving puzzles and distracting enemies, especially during the final encounter. Experiment with different clone placements and actions.
  • Understanding the Final Encounter Mechanics: The final encounter revolves around specific mechanics that you'll need to understand to succeed. Without giving away spoilers, focus on observing the environment, the enemy's behavior, and any clues provided. The solution involves using your clone in conjunction with the environment.
  • Adaptability: Be prepared to adapt your strategy as the situation changes. The final encounter may require multiple attempts to fully understand its mechanics and find the optimal solution.

The Ending:

The ending of Styx: Master of Shadows depends on your success in the final encounter. Successfully completing the encounter will trigger the game's final cutscene, which provides closure to the story and reveals the ultimate fate of Styx and Akenash.

Mission 7: Renaissance is a fitting conclusion to Styx: Master of Shadows. It combines the core gameplay elements of stealth, exploration, and puzzle-solving into a challenging and rewarding experience. By utilizing the strategies and tactics outlined above, you'll be well-prepared to face the final challenges and witness the conclusion of Styx's story. Remember to be patient, observant, and resourceful, and you'll successfully guide Styx to the end of his journey.

Let's expand on the relic locations in Styx: Master of Shadows, providing more specific details to aid players in finding them.

Relic Locations:

  • Reminiscences (Tutorial): As you mentioned, this relic is found in the well during the third part of the Reminiscences tutorial (Reminiscences 3). After meeting the man who tells you about relics, you'll proceed through a guarded area. Eventually, you'll reach a well with three guards patrolling it. Either sneak past or eliminate them. The relic is at the bottom of this well. Be careful when dropping down to retrieve it; use the handholds to avoid fall damage.

  • Mission 1: Akenash Atrium (Seraglio of Akenash): The relic in this mission is located in the final section (Akenash Atrium 4), within the incinerator area. After dealing with the Cabysses (the blind creatures), before proceeding to the exit, look for a section of wall covered in fungus. This wall hides a secret area. Carefully navigate through this hidden area, which is also patrolled by Cabysses. The relic is located within this hidden section, guarded by four of these creatures. Use extreme caution and move slowly to avoid alerting them.

  • Mission 2: Master Key (Sesame Quarters): This relic is found in the second section of the mission (Sesame Quarters 2). After climbing the wall to access the balcony, go to the right. Look for a button that is somewhat hidden. Pressing it will open a secret compartment beneath a slab on the balcony, revealing the relic.

  • Mission 3: Deliverance: The relic for this mission is obtained in the second part (Deliverance 2). After starting in the elevator and taking down the two guards, you'll need to use the lever to open the first gate. Instead of jumping to the next mechanism to open the second gate, head to the right side of the room. There is a small passage that leads to a hidden room. The relic is inside.

  • Mission 4: The Creator: This relic is located in the Archives section of the mission. After navigating through the library-like area with moving shelves and several guards, you'll find a room with a large, central pillar. There is a climbable section on this pillar. Climb up and then use the beams and platforms to reach a hidden alcove. The relic is located here.

  • Mission 5: The Architect: The relic for this mission is found in the area where you first encounter the Architect himself. After navigating the complex and reaching his chambers, you'll see him working at a table. Instead of immediately engaging him, look around the room for a hidden passage behind some bookshelves or a tapestry. The relic is concealed within this secret area.

  • Mission 6: Conflagration: This relic is located quite early in the mission. After the initial escape from the fire and navigating some burning rooftops, you'll enter a building. Look for a room that is almost completely engulfed in flames. You'll have to quickly navigate through the flames (taking some damage is almost unavoidable) to reach a small alcove where the relic sits.

  • Mission 7: Renaissance: The final relic is found during the final confrontation area. After solving the initial part of the puzzle, you'll be in an arena-like area for the final part of the last encounter. Look for a hidden passage or alcove along the outer edge of this arena. The relic is hidden within.

These more detailed descriptions should help players locate all the relics in Styx: Master of Shadows. Remember to use Amber Vision to help spot interactive elements and hidden passages.
