Fast and Furious (F & F) is the sixth installment of The Fast and The Furious franchise. It also brings back some of the leading casts, including Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez and Dwayne Johnson, from the previous installment. It is clear that without Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto and Paul Walker as Brian O'Conner, then the sequels are just not as good as the original film. Justin Lin, who has directed the last three films in the F & T F series, is directing once again, based on a script by Chris Morgan.
And those are sufficient excuse to put these people behind fast cars and start entertaining the viewers with racing action. Director Justin Lin is brilliant with car chases in city streets. The plot is no doubt flimsy but it is adequate to keep going. You don't buy tickets to a film like F&F and expect dramatic story telling. You want action!
The first footage from the F&F6 is scheduled to debut during the Super Bowl on February 03, 2013. F & F 6 will release in theaters on May 24, 2013. The series has grossed over $1.5 billion over $400 million budget so far.
Universal has unveiled a full-length, "extended first look" trailer for F&F 6:
Fast & Furious 6 - Big Game Spot Video / Trailer
Vin Diesel unveiled the following teaser poster for F&F6 on his Facebook page.
Universal has unveiled a full-length, "extended first look" trailer for F&F 6:
Vin Diesel unveiled the following teaser poster for F&F6 on his Facebook page.
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