The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 cheats, walkthrough

Dear readers,

My name is Van Helsing and I'm a monster hunter. After ridding the Borgovie Professor Fulmigati, I thought to take some well deserved rest. But a new threat looms on the horizon: General Harker took advantage of the chaos caused by Fulmigati to return from exile and take possession of the city of Borgova with his army. I have to do everything to help repel this attack resistant! Fortunately, I will not be alone. Lady Katarina is always by my side, resistant too, and I've met a mysterious laboratory subject with great power, which is ready to join the fight.

I can also count on me to provide DTGReviews a complete solution with which I can finish all the main quests of my adventure. I'm sure I'll meet many people who need the services of a hunter, and again, DTGReviews help me to identify and validate all the side quests. Finally, I can see all the missions of the Resistance to know what the Captain sent to recover the relics. Do not lose a single second, and will give a good lesson to General Harker!

Table of contents

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Side quests
The missions of the Resistance
List of relics

Chapter 1
In this section of the complete walkthrough The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II, you will find details of all the main quests in Chapter 1.

Helsing II, you will find details of all the main quests in Chapter 1.

- Prologue
- Clean Junction viaduct
- Seat
- The first wave
- The second wave
- Vlados in difficulty
- Annihilator octopode
- The prisoner
- The elite of the Resistance
- The ground incursion
- Power Perun, Part 1
- Power Perun, Part 2
- Power Perun, part 3 

After the scene with the prisoner in September, get your equipment by searching the rubble in the area. Once equipped, pass the gate and follow the only path to meet your first enemies. A little later, the prisoner back to see you in September. Now take the elevator from the bottom to access the upper floor.

Eliminate the enemies and go through the door to teleport Ink. Other villains await you here too, kill them to trigger a new scene with the prisoner in September, then take the door Ink.

Follow the path to the Northwest and made?? cleaning the large room. Finally, take the portal back to leave this place.

Clean Junction viaduct
Upon arrival, the Prisoner September entrust you a new quest: Clean Junction viaduct. Go towards the light points on your card to eliminate all enemies. When you have cleared the area of the invaders, the quest is valid, and you need to talk to Commander Petrov to continue.

In talking with the Commander Petrov, you have the choice of ordering his men or leave alone. A new main quest is available: The first wave is directly related to the main quest headquarters. Ending the first wave, you must return to the commander to make it your report. He tells you a second quest, the second wave. At the end of the latter, and after the quest Vlados in difficulty, return to him to continue the adventure.

You have no other choice but to withdraw the army of General being too large. At first, push the many enemies that will happen. After a few minutes, a new quest will be available: Annihilator Octopode. It will then find and eliminate this machine to complete the quest headquarters. After the scene, you find yourself in the Secret Lair.

The first wave
When the main quest The seat, this new quest is available. In talking with the Commander, if you choose the first option, go to the four question marks on your map to give instructions to the captains. Choose what you want, then go back to Petrov to start the defense of the area.

You must now push the many enemies that will try to besiege you. Defend positions with the help of soldiers in place. If you see an area is invaded by enemies, do not hesitate to go there to give a helping hand to Allied soldiers. After the first wave, the Prisoner September comes to you for you to entrust your first side quest: Problems frontline.

The second wave
When the main quest headquarters , and after the first wave, this new quest is available from Commander Petrov. If you choose to give new orders to the soldiers, head over to the three exclamation marks to speak with each Captain. Choose the order you want, then return to Petrov to launch the second wave. As for the first, protect the defense lines and eliminate all enemies. When the last one passed away, you confirm that quest and the Prisoner September appears to let you in the quest Vlados in trouble.

Vlados in difficulty
At the end of the quest The second wave , the Prisoner September you entrust this new task. Head southwest, take the elevator, then down a little to help soldiers who are attacked. Finally speak with the Captain to confirm this quest and get two side quests: Cargo weapons and evacuation of the wounded.

Annihilator octopode
During the downturn in the quest headquarters, a octopode Annihilator will make its appearance. Destroy it before it gets too much damage to your soldiers to accept this quest.

The prisoner
After seeking the seat, you get into your secret lair. Talk with the Captain of the guards so that tells you about the flying machine next to him. It is actually an ornithopter sent by your ally Nicola Tesla, which is locked in a cell. So go to the Sewers and choose destination "Tunnels drainage".

Follow the ornithopter that will take you directly to the cell Tesla. Deliver him and talk to him to complete this quest. Then return to the Secret Lair for the rest of the adventure.

The elite of the Resistance
After seeking the seat, you get into your secret lair. Talk to Commander Petrov he describes the three Captains he put under your command. Discuss with each of them to know their specialties and interact with the control station in the center to send one of them on a mission.

Moreover, the first task is to find Thor's Hammer, no less! Choose to send the old hunter, Igor Stark, to ensure the success of the mission. The quest ends when you choose who to send on a mission.

The ground incursion
After the quest Elite Resistance, talk again with Commander Petrov to obtain this quest. It will inform you that an attack against your outpost is imminent. You have the choice between letting manage this crisis by your soldiers, or you deal with yourself. If you choose to repel the attack yourself, take the teleporter and choose "underground Incursion (Input)".

For those who have played the first episode of Van Helsing, you'll quickly recognize the system of Tower Defense. The goal is to place traps on the way of the invaders to slow their advance, and of course prevent them reaching the point of defense. When all four waves have been rejected, return to the Commander Petrov to validate this quest.

Power Perun, Part 1
Finishing the quest The prisoner , return to the Secret Lair and talk with the prisoner in September so that you entrust this new quest. By accepting, you find yourself automatically in the Mountains of the storm. Follow the path by eliminating the enemies until you find a loan mill which lies the corpse of an expert in mycology. Return it to retrieve a certificate of expertise in mycology. A little further, you are called by members of the Resistance for the mission The Vampire Lord. You can return to the Secret Lair to make or continue your ascent.

On the way, collect the relic of Don Quixote Lance planted on the house and get the red frozen fish in the river.

Further interact with the Head of caravan died, we will return later. Continue to arrive in the Zlatva, where there are some people village. Talk with Adept Perun and accept help for the secondary quest The Black Idol.

Talk with Woody and give him some money to earn experience points. Interact now with the mysterious Gong to obtain the side quest Children evil.

Continue up until you reach a cave that prevents you from moving forward. Then enter the frigid Caves workaround. Upon entering, the members of the Resistance calls. Return to your base to discuss with the Commander Petrov so he entrusts you with the side quest Invasion of the rat-men, and to discover a new mission Resistance: Cargo equipment.

When you're done, explore the icy caverns. Northwest of the entrance, you encounter Vasily Mechanov. Talking to him, he tells you the side quest former mechanism . Continue your journey to finally reach a second exit from the turmoil of the Mountains. At this point, go back to your Secret Lair to discover two new missions of the Resistance: The Rat-Catchers and Laboratory Frankenstein.

Once you have completed your related activities, return to the Mountains of the storm and go right out of the icy caverns to meet a man calling himself Ivan Sigorsky rat. In conversation, you understand that these men have killed rats and stripped the head of caravan died that you found when entering the area. Attack them to do justice to the poor man, or you can also temper the conversation to enjoy the store of these thieves, the choice is yours.

From the rat-men, down south to find a man injured and trapped under a rock. Place the dynamite as you said Lady Katarina (and certainly not as you said the man) to save him. Now head to the northwest area to meet friendly Golems. After the conversation, take the path behind them, to the Giant Forest.

Power Perun, Part 2
Arriving in the Giant Forest, interact with the body just above to get a moonstone. Down a little south and return the corpses to get a second.

Now go towards the West to discover a village inhabited by ghosts. Talk to the one with the exclamation point on the head so that you entrust the side quest The Curse. Go now to the East to meet a follower of Perun. Agree to help you so that says a stone giant moon and the side quest door Perun .

Visit the center of the area to meet a dealer trapped by spiritual Walkers. By agreeing to help you get the side quest Free merchant. Approaching the bridge to the east, the Resistance calls. Go back to your Secret Lair to take care of the mission Gangs Borgova. Return to the Giant Forest, cross the bridge and go left to get a masterfully failed Armor from the statues.

Continuing north, you meet Mr. bawler Jr, friendly ogre who will provide you with several rather interesting objects. If your finances allow you, buy him everything he has. Cross the bridge to the left, then go up the slope near the statue to find yourself blocked. Then discuss with the giant Idol. To pass, it asks you to chat with all the other giant heads nearby.

Each head will ask you a question, and you must answer correctly the risk of being attacked by multiple enemies. Here are the correct answers to refer to the map and the number of heads to know the answer to.

1 - Stone because it is the strongest.
2 - It is a mountain.
3 - Whatever the answer, you'll be attacked.
4 - The Mountain.
5 - A mountain.

Return to the first head so she opens the passage, which ends this quest.

Power Perun, part 3
Take the path opened by the giant head and remove the Adept Perun above. Continue climbing to find yourself facing an Ice Golem that you must remove three times.

After the battle, follow the discussion between Seven and the Prisoner's Club. You must make a choice: either you fight the followers and you must interact with the monument or calm down the situation and let you do the followers. In all cases, you must return your cue to speak with the Prisoner Seven, which closed the chapter 1.

Chapter 2

In this section of the complete walkthrough The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II, you'll find details of all the main quests in Chapter 2.

Legend of the Chimera
Inhuman Regiment
Against attack
The secret weapon
David against Goliath

Legend of the Chimera
You get this quest at the beginning of Chapter 2. Before leaving, talk to Commander Petrov says that you quest Inhumane Regiment. Talk with Dr. Dampf, so that you buy the certificate expert in mycology picked up in the Mountains of the storm, and the three moon rocks retrieved from the Giant Forest. In exchange for the latter, you receive the Essence Tear Koschei. If you purchased the Fleur de Lys in the giant ogre in Forest, give it to Saffi in exchange for a Medallion delighted Saffi.

Now go to the portal to the north, to the Atelier crystal. Advance in this area to meet a former chimeras that you must remove to retrieve a key blue crystal. Open the nearby chest to retrieve the candle obsidian.

Now head to the North-West and interact with shelves. Then go to the north-east and pick up the lantern emerald passage.

Continue further to the north-east to find an old box. Choose to retrieve content and eliminate the enemies that will arise. Finally down to the south and click on the shelf and continue the quest for office.

Continue the exploration to the east and grab the skull candle in the trunk. Take the northbound and ride the Circle of combat. Fight the Chimera that emerges, then return to the Secret Lair to talk with the prisoner Sept. advantage to take a look at the control station to discover a new mission: Museum of Arts and Artifacts.

Then go to your Chimera in your apartment to complete this quest. Note that you can now send your pet in various places so it takes you back to the golden, magical or special items. You can also feed them with Essences or equip candles to increase its statistics. Finally, you can call in your battles to bat it with you for a limited time. Talk to Commander Petrov for the remainder of the adventure.

Inhuman Regiment
At the beginning of Chapter 2, talk with the Commander Petrov to obtain this quest. Take the teleporter in the direction of "inhuman Regiment (Input)".

This is a new phase of Tower Defense. Install your traps strategically and simply defend positions against five waves. Back then see the Commander to confirm this quest.

Against attack
After the quest Legend of the Chimera , speak with Commander Petrov to obtain this quest. You get along with the side quest Bounty Hunter. Exit through the sewers and go to the Junction viaduct. Approach the Captain to update your goal and get the same time the side quest Outpost enemy.

Before attacking the goal, we will deal with some side quests. Cross the bridge, go down the stairs to the right and eliminate the enemies in this area to validate the side quest Outpost enemy. You then get the side quest enemy strong point. Make cleaning near the tower of control ornithopter to validate this new quest and get two new ones: Artillery and the rail gun. Also talk with the Captain of the Resistance and ask him to remain in position to protect the tower.

From the tower of ornithopters control, head west to find the artillery. Destroy enemies present to take possession. Back at the tower and head north to reach the rail. Eliminate all resistance here and destroy the barrel.

It only remains for you to find and remove the three men from General Harker before heading to the gates of the Foundry. Refer to page Bounty Hunter for details of this quest. For now, try the North East area to find an Alpha Prototype. It seeks Sarah Connor: make the second choice and remove it to get a poisoned candle. Go now while north in a small alley, and hear the conversation behind the door. When finished, get the spiritual spark in the barrel.

Before reaching the door of the Foundry, members of the Resistance calls. So go back to the Secret Lair to get the side quest Maze blades, and the mission of the Resistance To the vaults. Once the adjusted items, return to the Junction viaduct, follow the quest marker to the Northwest, eliminate enemies and enter the Foundry.

Upon entering the Foundry, Captain informs you that you must restart the area. If you wish, you can recruit the resistant group. Advance in the Foundry by eliminating all enemies nearby bright areas on your map, to increase the percentage of capture.

From the beginning of your exploration, you receive two calls: the first, this is Dr. Dampf will you entrust the side quest Manual runes. For the second, you must return to your Secret Lair to discover the mission of the Resistance Invisible Killer.

While you repeat points in the Foundry, enjoy it to explore a little. In the northern part of the area, approach the cauldron to thaw frozen red fish you have recovered from the Giant Forest. It grants you a wish, but your lovely sidekick request a earrings diamond before you can decide. The center of the area, interact with the Drawing Board for information on a weapon created by Harker.

South, near the teleporter, enter the area of packaging. Inside, talk to the little robot Arthur Detour for a big reference to Star Wars. You also get the Photon blade gasoline. At the bottom of the area, destroy the petty cash to get a candle blood.

Back to the Foundry, head southwest to find access to the meeting room, instead of the side quest Manual runes. Just north-east teleporter below the Lambda logo, a reference to Half-Life, search the backpack to retrieve the Gravimetric Gun.

Just below, search the remains of the mill ruin for a chip T95. Just right, talk to the soldier of the Resistance that he entrusts you with the side quest Enemies powerful. We toured the area. Eliminate all enemies and capture all the light points to complete the main quest. After the conversation with the prisoner in September, return to your hideout to talk to him again.

The secret weapon
Back in your Secret Lair after the events of the Foundry, talk with the prisoner in September so that explains the following operations. Before entering the gate to the floating platform, discuss with the Commander Petrov for the side quest Caves of Steel.

The floating platform is an area that is in the ink, reached via the gate that appears after your conversation with the prisoner Sept. forward a bit and take the small passage to the right to find a candle shade in the barrel. Follow the only way to receive a call from the Resistance. Return to the Lair and see the doghouse mission to discover Bridge over the River Lugosi.

Continue your journey on the floating platform and interact with the light control after. Now take the last path to retrieve a candle hunter in the chest on the bridge, then use the device to find yourself busy drilling on the rig General Harker.

David against Goliath
Ending quest secret weapon , you end up on the rig General Harker. Press the three emergency levers to deactivate the force field at the center. Then attack the mechanism in the center while eliminating the enemies that will arise. Try to destroy the teleporters which not leave your opponents to be more quiet. When the force field reappears, repeat the operation with the three levers and attack again the center to the destruction of the machine. After a short cutscene, the chapter ends.

Chapter 3

In this section of the complete walkthrough The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II, you will find details of all the main quests in Chapter 3.

The beginning of the end
Outside the box
The Final Confrontation

The beginning of the end
After your victory against the rig, discuss with the Commander Petrov in your Secret Lair for the rest of the adventure. It will ask you to locate the spy of the Resistance in the commercial district. Go through the sewers and go to the neighborhood. Go immediately to the West to get the side quest Squadron Annihilators. Still continue west to receive a call from the Resistance. Then return to your Secret Lair to get the side quest Caverns of Steel from the Commander Petrov.

If you continue to the Southwest, you fall on Jack the Ripper, Dr. Player and a Woody. Enjoy kill those three, just for fun. Now follow the quest marker to meet the spy. Your main quest will update and you get the side quest The elite guard.

On the way to take the degausser renegade vampire, enter the Testing Facility Area. Progress in finding a candle in a jade box, the dungeon keeper and especially the relic Necronomicon Gloves in a dead rat.

You can now exit, follow the marker to find the vampire Von Schreck and eliminate. You will get a candle on his corpse Ink for your Chimera. Going down the building, the Resistance calls you for a new mission: The national treasure.
Once you're ready, interact with the control panel to disable the barrier. Take a tour of the place to find a strange door. The Prisoner September appears and explains that General Harker fled through that door. It only remains for you to enter you. However, before you walk out the door, go to your Secret Lair for the mission of the Resistance Desecrated chambers.

Outside the box
Arriving in the Gulf of Wormwood, follow the only way to arrive at a bridge spiderweb. Here you get the side quest Seals old. Cross the bridge to find a wounded soldier, who will you entrust the side quest The kings and queens of the Gulf of Wormwood.

Go down to the South East and interact with skull on the altar. If you have profaned the altars since the beginning of the game, you are teleported to Ravin eternal peril and you get the Guardian Trophy dungeon. Forward in this area by eliminating creatures and you are interested in Arches Peril to get some gold and equipment. Just follow the path to exit the area.

Continue your exploration and ride north to find a statue holding a mystical orb. If you purchased the key sold by Mr. bawler Jr during your stay in the Giant Forest, use it to open a portal and enter it. You get to a hidden area, after which there is another statue with a orb, wherein hides various objects. Once you have finished your tour Chasm, go northbound to access Glade thorns, your next destination.

The Final Confrontation
You face your final battle, but it is huge. Indeed, you have to fight two armies simultaneously: the Dryad Queen and the General Harker. As you can see on the picture, numbers are displayed next to the portrait of each army chief. To get rid of Harker, you must eliminate enough soldiers in his camp to drop this number to 1. This has the effect of removing the protective barrier around him, and you can attack. If you perform side quests Seals old and kings and queens Chasm Wormwood, you can call for reinforcements Resistance and artillery.

To get rid of the Dryad Queen, that's another story. You must attack directly to lower its gauge, but it is often literally surrounded by creatures. Use your reinforcements resistant to occupy enemies while you attack their Queen and use artillery strikes.

When you have eliminated Harker and Dryad, you can sit and watch the end cinematic. Congratulations, hunters! You have arrived at the end of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2.

Side quests

In this section of the complete walkthrough The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II, you'll find all the side quests in the game, sorted by chapter.

Chapter 1

- Problems frontline
- Station to control ornithopter
- Factory phlogiston
- Arms shipment
- Evacuation of wounded
- Saving Private Bryan
- Captives
- Invasion of ratmen
- The black Idol
- Children from harm
- Old mechanism
- Door Perun
- The curse
- Free merchant 

Problems frontline
At the end of the main quest The first wave, the Prisoner September entrust you this side quest. Head to the two exclamation points on your card to speak with the Captains Vrikov and Volovich. They then assign you two new side quests: Station of ornithopters control and Plant phlogiston .

Station to control ornithopter
Finishing the main quest The first wave , talk to one of the Captains that you entrust this quest. Head to the west of the area to find an engineer.

Escort him to the south and near the three panels so it definitely disables manufacturing Birdwing.

Factory phlogiston
Finishing the main quest The first wave , talk to one of the Captains that you entrust this quest. Head to the east and take the elevator down one level.

Interact with the three valves to release gas, then start the lift and activate the light control. It only remains for you to admire the fireworks and pocket your quest reward.

Arms shipment
Speaking to Captain at the end of the quest Vlados struggling, you entrust this new task. Head to the question mark in the West to find the weapons shipment. Talk to the soldier and then follow it. Protect cargo attacks, until it reaches its destination, north of the map.

Evacuation of wounded
Speaking to Captain at the end of the quest Vlados struggling, you entrust this new task. Head to the question mark in the center of the map to find the officer sort. Talk to him and escort him to his destination, avoiding that make attack by the enemies.

Saving Private Bryan
At the end of the quest Vlados in difficulty, return to Commander Petrov that you entrust this new task. Head to the slightly higher green question mark and talk with this Captain. It will inform you the last known location of the soldier.

Off southwest to find the soldier and talk to him. Escort him finally to validate this quest.

During the quest The prisoner, open the cell to the left of that of Nicola Tesla and discuss with the Beggar. Agree to help so that you entrust this quest. Now go to the cell to the left of the beggar to be teleported into the building of secret detention.

Eliminate the enemies that await you and grab the key on the ground. Now do around the area to open the cells and release the prisoners. Make careful however, some cells contain enemies.

Invasion of ratmen
During the quest Power of Perun, the first part , you are called by the Resistance. Return to the Secret Lair and do you have with the Commander Petrov so that you entrust this quest. Now take the teleporter to "Invasion of Ratotrucs". Defend defense points by setting traps and push the four waves. Then return to the Commander to complete this quest.

The black Idol
Arriving in the village Mountains turmoil, agree to help the Adept Perun to obtain this quest. Progress eastward through the new path behind the follower. After all, interact with the black idol to destroy. Lady Katarina say the incantation that lets you go, he'll just take the portal and make your quest.

Children from harm
Mountains in the village of turmoil, interact with the mysterious Gong to trigger this quest. Defeat giant simply that appear to validate.

Old mechanism
During your visit to the icy caves, you encounter Vasily Mechanov. He asks you to find him a mechanism, in exchange for which he will join the Resistance. Down a little deeper to find the Kobold King and kill him and his henchmen.

Retrieve the former in the trunk just above and return it to Vasily mechanism to close this quest.

Door Perun
In the Giant Forest, you encounter an Adept of Perun. He asks you to remove the spirits of ice around the door and you Perun says a stone giant moon. You control a little higher to find the door. Kill all the enemies that will come out, then interact with the door closed.

The curse
Northwest of the Giant Forest, you encounter a ghost soldier who asks you to find the relic and place of spiritual worship Walkers to deliver a curse. Start by directing at Southern map to remove gathered giants. Then get the Idol spiritual Walker in the pile of bones nearby.

Now head north-east to find the place of worship, and discuss the Old Spiritual Walkers Champion. Revive him the relic to complete this quest.

Free merchant
In the Giant Forest, head to the center of the area to find a dealer trapped by spiritual Walkers. Agree to help him out and go talk with the Elder.

Agree to eliminate the spirit of darkness and head towards West to find the well in the village of Ghosts. Choose to look around the camp for the missing rune stone from the well. So go to the camp and interact with the rug to recover the stone.

Take it back to the Old and eliminate the group that attacks you. Finally back to the dealer to deliver and end this quest.

Chapter 2

In this part of the complete walkthrough The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II, you will discover all the side quests in Chapter 2.

    Bounty Hunter
    Enemy outpost
    Enemy strong point
    The artillery
    The gun rail
    Labyrinth blades
    Manual runes
    Powerful enemies
    Steel caverns

Bounty Hunter
Finishing the quest Legend of the Chimera, discuss with the Commander Petrov to obtain this quest. It is available along the main quest Counterattack. To find your target, go to the Junction viaduct. Here is a map that reveals the location of the three enemies to eliminate to validate this quest.

Enemy outpost
Arriving at the junction of the viaduct approach the Captain Vrikov to obtain this quest. Cross the bridge, go down the steps right, walk a bit and eliminate the enemies present to complete this quest. You get a new side quest: Point enemy fort.

Enemy strong point
You get this quest ending Outpost enemy. Eliminate the enemies just around the turn of ornithopters control to validate. You then get two new secondary quests: Artillery and the rail gun.

The artillery
You get this quest ending enemy strong point. From the tower of control ornithopter, just leave a little to the west to find the artillery. Eliminate enemies around just to take control and validate this quest.

The gun rail
You get this quest ending enemy strong point. From the tower of ornithopters control, head north to find the gun rail. Kill all the enemies and destroy the barrel to complete the quest.

Labyrinth blades
Just before entering the foundry, go to your Secret Lair to obtain this quest from Commander Petrov. Use the teleporter and go to the Labyrinth of blades. You must push the six waves of this phase of Tower Defense, and then return to the Commander to confirm this quest.

Manual runes
During your visit to the Foundry, you receive a call from Dr. Dampf: he asks you to find a manual runes. Head to the Southwest of the Foundry to find access to the meeting room. Cross the small area by eliminating the enemies, then open the chests at the bottom to get the runes Practices Manual. In addition, a case after the bridge contains a candle rainbow sky. Return it to Dr. Dampf to complete the quest.

Powerful enemies
In the Foundry, east of the area, you encounter a soldier of the Resistance who entrust this quest. Then enter in the fair quality assurance room next to him. Simply eliminate all enemies to validate this quest. Note that you can find a candle Tiamat in a box near the entrance.

Steel caverns
Returning Foundry, talk with the Commander Petrov to obtain this quest. Then take the teleporter in the direction of steel Caves.

You must once again trap places and stand against the onslaught of enemy waves six. Once you have pushed the invaders back to the Commander to confirm this quest. You will unlock at the same time a new mission of Resistance: The secret factory.

Chapter 3

In this part of the complete walkthrough The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II, you will discover all the side quests in Chapter 3.

    Squadron Annihilators
    Caverns of Steel
    The elite guard
    Ancient seals
    Kings and queens Chasm Wormwood

Squadron Annihilators
As you walk west of the shopping district, a member of the resistance ask you to remove octopodes Annihilators. You simply remove the machine to validate this quest.

Caverns of Steel
During your visit to the western part of the shopping district, you receive a call from the Secret Lair. Go back and do you have with the Commander Petrov to obtain this quest. Then go to the Halls of memory to accommodate visitors.

You must once again face waves of enemies in a phase of Tower Defense. When the seven waves are passed, go back to Petrov to validate this quest.

The elite guard
By meeting the spy during the main quest The beginning of the end, you entrust this quest. Get on the roof of the building just to the left and interact with the generator. Do the same with the second generator on the other side of the neighborhood.

Go south-west area, climb on the roof of the building and interact with the three air outlets. And you poison the garrison and you confirm this quest.

Ancient seals
During the main quest Outside the box , the Prisoner September entrust you this quest. Head just to the four quest markers on your map to disable the four Sigil Stones.

Kings and queens Chasm Wormwood
During the main quest in off the beaten path, you encounter a wounded soldier will you outsource this task. Head south of his position to find the black Destroyer and kill him.

Go north, then take the left path to find the fat widow. Finally, you will find the Leviathan spotted just north of the big widow.

The missions of the Resistance

In this section the complete guide to The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2, you'll find all the missions of the Resistance game

- Hammer of Thor
- Battle in the tunnels
- The Vampire Lord
- Cargo equipment
- The Rat-Catchers
- Laboratory Frankenstein
- Gangs Borgova
- Cleaning Operation
- Guns Borgova
- Museum of Arts and Artifacts
- To the vaults
- Invisible killer
- The secret factory
- Bridge over the River Lugosi
- The national treasure
- Desecrated chambers
Hammer of Thor
In Chapter 1, during your first visit to the Secret Lair and the quest for the elite of the Resistance, you can send one of your Captains on a mission to recover the Hammer of Thor. Train some soldiers, upgrade equipment and send Igor Stark to ensure the success of this mission.

Battle in the tunnels
During the quest The prisoner, you receive a radio call of the Resistance. Return to the Secret Lair and interact with the control station to find a new mission. Choose to send Captain Ivan Tsarevich, equipped with the Hammer of Thor if you have to make sure the success of this mission.

The Vampire Lord
During the quest Power of Perun, the first part, you are called by members of the Resistance. Return to Secret Lair to find a new mission control station. Involve Dr. Stahl to complete this quest. You can now rely on Baron Upyr to perform certain missions.

Cargo equipment
On entering the icy caves in the quest Power of Perun, the first part , you are called by the Resistance. Return to Secret Lair to discover this new mission in the doghouse. Send Igor Stark equipped with crossbow Tell to validate the mission. As a reward, you get the old clock relic.

The Rat-Catchers
Leaving icy caves, during the quest Power of Perun, the first part, go back to Secret Lair for this mission. Send baron Upyr to solve the problem of rats.

Laboratory Frankenstein
When you go Caves freezing during the quest Power of Perun, Part 1, return to the Secret Lair for this mission. Ask Dr. Stahl to visit the laboratory to validate the mission. As a reward, you get the relic Guide lab of Dr. Frankenstein. 

Gangs Borgova
When you walk in the Giant Forest, you receive a call from the Resistance to take care of this task. Choose to send Ivan Tsarevich, equipped with the Hammer of Thor if necessary, to carry out this task.

Cleaning Operation
At the beginning of chapter 2, see the doghouse to see this mission. Choose to send Baron Upyr to resolve the crisis tunnels.

Guns Borgova
From the beginning of Chapter 2, look at the control station to start this mission. Ask Igor Stark to get rid of guns to accept this mission.

Museum of Arts and Artifacts
This mission is available at your return Workshop crystal. Given the nature of the mission, prefer to send Dr. Stahl to ensure its success. You get the relic shield of Perseus.

To the vaults
Before entering the Foundry, return to the Secret Lair for this mission. Send Igor Stark and it will be victorious.

Invisible killer
In Chapter 2, exploring the Foundry, you receive a call informing you of the Resistance a new mission is available. Then check the doghouse in your secret mission to discover Den. To carry out, send Ivan Tsarevich. You get, in addition to traditional monetary rewards and objects, the relic predator helmet.

The secret factory
Validating the side quest Caves steel, this new mission is available. Ask Igor Stark to deal with this situation in order to succeed in this mission.

Bridge over the River Lugosi
By visiting the floating platform, the Resistance calls. By consulting the doghouse, you can achieve the mission Lugosi Bridge over the River. Given the nature of this task, Dr. Stahl is the man for you.

The national treasure
During the main quest The beginning of the end, before infiltrating the headquarters Harker, Resistance calls you for a new mission. You must recover the treasure of King occult Borislav. For this task, Dr. Stahl prefer to send him back to winning. As a reward, you get the Holy Grail relic.

Desecrated chambers
Just before entering the door that led to the General Harker escape, return to your Secret Lair to see this mission. Choose to send Igor Stark to complete this quest.

List of relics

Thor's Hammer: obtained in Chapter 1, succeeding Mission Resistance Thor's Hammer .

Effect: Bonus to melee Expert feature.

Crossbow Tell: recovered in Chapter 1, in a box at the center of drainage tunnels .

Effect: Bonus feature legendary Archer.

Antique clock: obtained in Chapter 1, validating the side quest former mechanism .

Effect: Increases the duration of the mission of 15%.

The lab of Dr. Frankenstein Guide: obtained in Chapter 1, succeeding Mission Resistance Laboratory Frankenstein .

Effect: Bonus feature scientific Prodigy.

Lance Don Quixote recovered in Chapter 1, on the wall of a house in the mountains of the storm .

Effect: Attack Bonus feature.

Lantern Emerald: recovered in Chapter 2, the center of the crystal workshop .

Effect: Bonus feature occult scholar.

Da Vinci codex (manuscript Daedalus) recovered in Chapter 1, in a crate next to the Stargate in the Giant Forest .

Effect: Bonus feature Traps.

Helmet predator obtained in Chapter 2, ending the mission of the Resistance invisible killer .

Effect: Bonus feature Ambush.

Holy Grail: obtained in Chapter 3, scoring the mission of the Resistance The national treasure .

Effect: Decreases the cooldown of the wearer by 15%.

Shield of Perseus: obtained in Chapter 3, scoring the mission of the Resistance Museum of Arts and Artifacts.

Effect: Bonus feature Defender engineering.

Coat dark force: recovered in Chapter 2, in a crate in the east of the ink holder (Glass) on the floating platform .

Effect: Increases the number of 6 soldiers that the wearer can take on missions.

Necronomicon: recovered in Chapter 3, under a dead rat in the area Testing Facility .

Effect: Decreases the probability strongly for a soldier to die during missions.
