Just Dance will join 2014 Electronic Sports World Cup

Just Dance in 2014 became the first casual game to join the international competition Electronic Sports World Cup (ESWC), the World Cup of e-sport, in its 11th edition. The title of Dance Ubisoft will join considered more hardcore games such as Counter Strike: Global Offensive and Call of Duty: Ghosts to disputes around the world.

The World Cup of Just Dance will have several locations around the world stages, including Brazil, and online phases. The 20 finalists ranked attend the grand final in France during Paris Games Week, on October 1 and November 31, 2014. Performances of the finalists will be judged by a jury and will be subjected to online voting.

In online multiplayer World Dance Floor, 10 people will be classified in stages selective during the days 13, 20 and July 27, 03 and 31 August and 7, 14 and 21 September.

4 more people will be classified using the Just Dance TV, sending their records by Auto dance function. Finally the remaining 6 slots will be played in person, at events from Ubisoft and ESWC yet to be announced in the future.
