Mugen Souls Z is the second game in the franchise to PlayStation 3 RPG produced by Compile Heart. With a completely clichéd plot involving science fiction, Mugen Souls Z includes up jokes of sexual content. It is the typical game that reaches a very specific niche in Japan, but that may not please those who don’t know the style. Despite the colorful and seemingly childish look, Mugen Souls Z is a very tight game. Check out our review below:
Crazy story
Don’t expect any kind of consistency in the plot of Mugen Souls Z early in the adventure, Chou Chou, a small goddess with very high ego, meets someone more powerful than her goddess.
During the meeting, Chou Chou, into a coffin and just cringing. Instead of looking for solution to the shrinkage, Chou Chou decides to continue with her plan to dominate another universe. She is accompanied by her vassals as Ryuto, Nao by Syrma (other goddess) and Shampurus.
Halfway there, some funny (or not) things happen to the characters. The mood of Mugen Souls is Z even specific genres of anime called "Slice of Life" or "Harem". Ie jokes with sexual content involving female characters.
And as you might imagine, 90% of the cast of Z Mugen Souls is composed of adolescents who follow all the clichés of Japanese cartoons. In this aspect, the game can please both those who like this type of anime, as displeasing, even those who like action animes.
With a fairly wacky storyline, you lose a few hours to understand what is happening. The first two hours of the game only serve as an introduction to the player "be located" in history. In many instances, the game's story is even less important.
Don’t expect a remarkable story or exciting and dramatic way. The mood of Mugen Souls Z is 'forgettable', as its narrative. Compounding this impression, the plot is full of meaningless dialogues and leading virtually useless conversations. Fortunately, the game allows the player to skip many of them, which saves considerable time.
Complex gameplay for something so cuddly
For a game with visual cartoon, Mugen Souls Z is a game very complex, especially the battles. The fighting game is not difficult, but the battle system is quite elaborate. Apart from defeating enemies, the player will also have to capture them for later use them as "pawns". And the capture mode is very inconsiderate. Chou Chou and Syrma make poses for the enemies enchant for them.
The catch is realized when the enemies turn into bunnies, called Shampurus. Returning to the combat system, it is a mixture of real-time combat in shifts. The movement of the characters during combat reminds Ni no Kuni. But the request action, the character enters a queue combat, displayed at the top of the screen. From there, you need to choose between attacks, skills or defend.
Sounds simple, but over time as new elements are added colored crystals, special attacks and new poses to Chou Chou captivate your enemies. This makes the learning curve quite steep, not to mention that the player will need plenty of time to raise your characters up to level 9,999. Don’t be surprised to have a save over 60 hours.
But beyond the traditional combat system, the game has a second system of combat, when the characters enter the spaceship G-Castle, which also happens to be a giant robot. It is here where Shampurus are more useful.
Enemies caught in the first part of the battle determine the power of the giant robot. The battle system with the robot resembles a game of rock paper scissors and where an attack can eliminate another. Sounds like fun, but it's just another layer of gameplay that tries to make fun of the genre tokusatsu series.
"Not safe for living room"
Second line of the genre of anime in which it is inspired, Mugen Souls Z is a "dangerous" game to play in the living room. There are several scenes where the female characters are suggestive poses or are surprised by Ryuto (one of the few men in the game) in the bath. Mugen Souls Z shows no erotic scene, but some scenes are suggestive and can be embarrassing to be seen by some of his relatives.
The game's graphics are reasonable. Despite the gameplay stand out to allow free movement in the scene, some drops in frame rate are unforgivable, because the game does not display nor elaborate effects and models of complex characters.
The soundtrack is interesting at first. However, after about 10 hours of play, the songs, along with repetitive phrases of the characters begin to be cloying. Do not be surprised prefer listening to music, and leave the game on mute.
Mugen Souls Z is recommended only for fans of anime characters with female adolescents and insinuating jokes game. Filled with clichés of anime, the game is not quite as appealing as Semran Kagura, but has the same cluelessness. Small scenarios and unnecessary amount of goals during fights, make this dull RPG, mainly by repetitive combat.
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