PlayStation 4: Fix problems caused by update 2.0

Some of PS4 users have been experiencing issues caused by the newest console update 2.0. A major problem is an error in Rest Mode which makes the console between sleep mode and will not connect anymore. Check out how to fix it temporarily.

Locking in Rest Mode is indicated by certain signs, like an orange blinking light after shutting down and the console does not turn back on by pressing the Power button. If that same Orange light is fixed, the Rest Mode is functioning as it should. Just perform the following procedure to find the problem.

Step 1: Press and hold the Power button for a few seconds until the console is turned off, with all the lights off.

Step 2: Press and hold the Power button again, this time to plug it in safe mode.

Step 3: You will hear a beep when pressing the button and then another, about 7 seconds after holding the button. Release the button on the second beep.

Step 4: You will now be in safe mode with various options. Connect your Dual Shock 4 to the console using the USB cable and select the number 3, "System Software Update".

Step 5: Your PlayStation 4 will re-download the update 2.0 and re-installing it, repairing any defects that may be because of installation problems.

Note: If the problem persists, option 5, "Rebuild Database" can help.
