Cheats for the PC role-playing game: Pillars of Eternity - Whether God Mode, XP or more gold, with the cheat codes you get yourself boosts provided it does not get further in tricky situations. But beware: As soon as you use the Pillars of Eternity cheats, the Steam Achievements are disabled.
All Cheats for Pillars of Eternity enabled via console. Which is permanently installed in the game - the need to call button can be changed directly in the Options menu under "Control Panel" - "User Interface" - specify "switch console".
- Iroll20s - Enable the cheat mode. Re-enter cheats disabled.
- God - God mode, the entire party is inviolable. Reenter disabled god mode.
- HealParty - Provides stamina and to restore health for all group members
- UnlockAll - Opens all closed container on the current map
- Rest - The Group engages and consumes no camping utensils
- Give Money Player X - You gain X coppers
- AddExperience X - Each group member receives experience points X
- AddExperienceToLevel X - Each group member advance to level X on (maximum: 12)
- Skill XYZ - Increases the skill for player X Y Z rank on character names: player (Player Character) Sagani, Hiravias, Pallegina, Eder, Aloth, Kana, GM (Grieving Mother), GGP (Durance). Skill Name: Stealth, Atheltics, Lore, Mechanicsburg, Survival. Example: skill pallegina mechanics increased 10 Palleginas mechanics value on the 10th
- AttributeScore XYZ - Increases the attribute for player X Y Z rank on character names: player (Player Character) Sagani, Hiravias, Pallegina, Eder, Aloth, Kana, GM (Grieving Mother), GGP (Durance). Attribute names: Might, Constitution, Dexterity, Perception, Intellect, Resolve. Example: attributescore GGP intellect increased 18 Durances intellect on the 18th
- CraftingDebug - You will get a large number of crafting materials
- FreeRecipesToggle - You can crafting everything without having the appropriate ingredients
- Invisible - group is invisible - enemies ignore you
- NoFog - No Fog of War
- ToggleSpellLimit - You can cast spells without limitation
- UnlockBestiary - Turns all monster messages freely in the bestiary.
- AddAbility playername [ability] - Assigns ability/talent to a specific player
- AddItem itemname [stackcountamount] - Grants specified items
- AdvanceTimeByHour [hours] - Speeds up time
- AddExperience [amount] - Grants specified number of experience points
- GivePlayerMoney [amount] - Grants specified amount of money
- RemovePlayerMoney [amount] - Removes amount of money indicated
- AttributeScore [playername] [attributename] [amount] - Determines base attribute score
- Skill [playername] [skillname] [amount] - Determines base skill score
- SetTime [time] - Sets time (using 24-hour military time, so that 3PM would be 15, etc.)
Pillars of Eternity (PC) beginner's guide
Pillars of Eternity - Encampment - Quest overview
Pillars of Eternity - Ruins of Cilant Lis - Quest overview
Pillars of Eternity - Valewood / Gilded Vale guide
Pillars of Eternity (PC) Companions Locations
Pillars of Eternity: Temple of Eothas - 1st / 2nd Floor guide
Pillars of Eternity Magran's Fork - Quest guide
Pillars of Eternity - Encampment - Quest overview
Pillars of Eternity - Ruins of Cilant Lis - Quest overview
Pillars of Eternity - Valewood / Gilded Vale guide
Pillars of Eternity (PC) Companions Locations
Pillars of Eternity: Temple of Eothas - 1st / 2nd Floor guide
Pillars of Eternity Magran's Fork - Quest guide
ReplyDeleteAttributeScore Player Might 18
not "core" no "space"
As concerns the money cheat code I get this message : "No command or script 'Give' accepting 3 paramters exists"
ReplyDeletethe give money cheat no longer works