Unlock all Costumes / Outfits, Earn quick Ryo in Naruto SUNS 4

In Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 you can unlock alternate costumes and outfits. For this you need to fulfill their specific conditions. Usually you have a given number of Ryo and different materials - the Nina Sweetheart Items. In our guide, we give you some tips on how you can quickly earn Ryo and show you all the alternate outfits and costumes for Naruto Storm 4 including their unlock conditions.

To unlock alternate costumes and outfits in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 it takes a lot of Ryo and Ninja Sweetheart Items. Here are some useful tips on quickly earn Ryo and materials farms:

- Complete as many quests as possible because you will be rewarded for it with Ryo.
- Fight against the AI in modes like Free Fight.
- The number of Ryo depends on your rank from the end of the challenge. A high ranking means more money accordingly.
- Certain actions in combat bring you Ninja Sweetheart Items. These materials get, when you execute example an Ultimate Jutsu or a successful estoc.
- People-Help Events: Complete these missions will give you the villager’s materials. The events recognize on a green scroll.

All alternate costumes and outfits

The following table lists all of the main game unlockable costumes and outfits

Costumes / outfits
Ninja Sweetheart Items (materials)
Ay (with hat) 15,000 15x Platinum Shuriken
10x Gold Anbu Mask
5x Gold Kunai
15,000 15x Platinum Ninja Blade
10x Gold Ninja Blade
5x Gold Shuriken
Danzo (with hat) 15,000 15x Platinum Shuriken
10x Gold Anbu Mask
5x Gold Kunai
(Creation of Akatsuki)
15,000 15x Platinum Font
10x Gold font
5x Gold Kunai
Deidara (with hat) 15,000 15x Platinum Ninja Blade
10x Gold Anbu Mask
5x Gold Ninja Blade
15,000 15x Platinum Kunai
10x Gold font
5x Gold Ninja Blade
The first Ho-Kage
(Ho-Kage Costumes) 
15,000 15x platinum Kunai
10x Gold font
5x Gold Shuriken
The second Tsuchi-Kage15,000 15x Platinum Kunai
10x Gold Ninja Blade
5x Gold Shuriken
The second-Mizu Kage 15,000 15x Platinum Anbu Mask
10x Gold Ninja Blade
5x Gold Kunai
The third Ho Kage
(Ho-Kage Costumes)
15,000 15x Platinum Font
10x Gold font
5x Gold Shuriken
The third Rai-Kage 15,000 15x Platinum Anbu Mask
10x Gold Ninja Blade
5x Gold Kunai
The fourth-Kaze Kage15,000 15x Platinum Font
10x Gold Ninja Blade
5x Gold Shuriken
Gaara (with hat)  15,000 15x Platinum Ninja Blade
10x Gold Anbu Mask
5x Gold Kunai
Hanzo15,000 15x Platinum Font
10x Gold Anbu Mask
5x Gold Shuriken
(Creation of Akatsuki)
15,000 15x Platinum Font
10x Gold font
5x Gold Kunai
Hinata (school)18,000 25x Platinum Font
15x Gold font
10x Gold Ninja Blade
Ino (school) 18,000 25x Platinum Font
15x Gold font
10x Gold Ninja Blade
Itachi (with hat)15,000 15x Platinum Ninja Blade
10x Gold Anbu Mask
5x Gold Ninja Blade
Itachi (Anbu) 15,000 15x Platinum Anbu Mask
10x Gold font
5x Gold Ninja Blade
15,000 15x Platinum Font
10x Gold Kunai
5x Gold Anbu Mask
Jugo (Taka) 15,000 15x Platinum Anbu Mask
15x Gold Shuriken
Kakashi (Anbu)15,000 15x Platinum Anbu Mask
10x Gold font
5x Gold Ninja Blade
Kakashi (school) 18,000 25x Platinum Font
15x Gold font
10x Gold Kunai
Kakuzu(Creation of Akatsuki)15,000 15x Platinum Font
10x Gold font
5x Gold Kunai
15,000 15x Platinum Kunai
10x Gold font
5x Gold Ninja Blade
Karin (Taka)15,000 15x platinum Anbu Mask
15x Gold Shuriken
(Prisoners clothing)
15,000 15x Platinum Ninja Blade
10x Gold Shuriken
5x Gold Anbu Mask
15,000 15x Platinum Kunai
10x Gold Ninja Blade
5x Gold Shuriken
Kisame (with hat) 15,000 15x Platinum Ninja Blade
10x Gold Anbu Mask
5x Gold Ninja Blade
Madara 15,000 15x Platinum Kunai
10x Gold Ninja Blade
5x Gold Anbu Mask
(Black clothing)
15,000 15x Platinum Kunai
15x gold Anbu Mask
Mei (with hat)15,000 15x Platinum Shuriken
10x Gold Anbu Mask
5x Gold Kunai
Part 1: Naruto(Pajamas) 15,000 15x Platinum Shuriken
10x Gold Kunai
5x Gold Anbu Mask
Naruto (Armor)18,000 25x Platinum Ninja Blade
15x Gold Kunai
10x Gold Ninja Blade
Naruto (school) 18,000 25x Platinum Font
15x Gold font
10x Gold Ninja Blade
Naruto (Kimono)18,000 25x Platinum Ninja Blade
15x Gold font
10x Gold Ninja Blade
Naruto (warrior) 20,000 25x Platinum Ninja Blade
15x Gold Kunai
10x Gold Shuriken
Naruto (Cowboy)20,000 25x Platinum Anbu Mask
15x Gold Kunai
10x Gold Anbu Mask
Naruto (Matador) 20,000 25x Platinum Font
15x Gold Kunai
10x Gold Shuriken
Naruto (Lederhosen)20,000 25x Platinum Ninja Blade
15x Gold Ninja Blade
10x Gold Anbu Mask
Naruto (Gondolier) 20,000 25x Platinum Font
15x Gold Kunai
10x Gold Anbu Mask
Naruto (pirate)20,000 25x Platinum Shuriken
15x Gold Shuriken
10x Gold Ninja Blade
Naruto (Sasuke Clothes) 20,000 25x Platinum Anbu Mask
15x Gold Ninja Blade
10x Gold Shuriken
Oonoki (with hat)15,000 15x Platinum Shuriken
10x Gold Anbu Mask
5x Gold Kunai
Orochimaru(Creation of Akatsuki) 15,000 15x Platinum Ninja Blade
10x Gold Shuriken
5x Gold Kunai
Orochimaru(San-Nin-Era)15,000 15x Platinum Font
10x Gold Kunai
5x Gold Anbu Mask
Sakura (school) 18,000 25x Platinum Font
15x Gold font
10x Gold Ninja Blade
Sakura (warrior)20,000 25x Platinum Ninja Blade
15x Gold Kunai
10x Gold Shuriken
(Creation of Akatsuki)
15,000 15x Platinum Font
10x Gold font
5x Gold Kunai
Sasuke (school)18,000 25x Platinum Font
15x Gold font
10x Gold Ninja Blade
Sasuke (Kimono) 18,000 25x Platinum Ninja Blade
15x Gold font
10x Gold Ninja Blade
Sasuke (warrior)20,000 25x Platinum Ninja Blade
15x Gold Kunai
10x Gold Shuriken
Sasuke (Napoleon) 20,000 25x Platinum Ninja Blade
15x Gold Anbu Mask
10x Gold Ninja Blade
(Naruto Clothes)
20,000 25x Platinum Anbu Mask
15x Gold Ninja Blade
10x Gold Shuriken
Suigetsu (Taka) 15,000 15x Platinum Anbu Mask
15x Gold Shuriken
Tsunade (San-Nin-Era)15,000 15x Platinum Font
10x Gold Kunai
5x Gold Anbu Mask
Yamato (Anbu) 15,000 15x Platinum Anbu Mask
10x Gold Shuriken
5x Gold font

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