Mirror's Edge Catalyst: Follow the red Runner Vision

In the second part of the charismatic Faith is again the main protagonist in Mirror's Edge Catalyst, the city now can freely explore without arms and provides spectacular fights with opponents. But the groundbreaking motion system is the crux that makes the game so special.

The city Glass consists of numerous neighborhoods that you can explore. 100 story buildings invite for climbing and jumping. The Runner Vision helps you here, you navigate through all the hidden corners of the metropolis.

What is the Runner Vision?

The Runner Vision in Mirror's Edge 2 is in principle based on the first part of the 2008 version. The Vision is activated by the player or by certain missions in the game. They give you the opportunity to see the way you should go. As with a GPS system and way objects are highlighted (red) give you a clue as to where you need to go next.

Protagonist - Faith receives the gift of Runner vision in the form of a high-tech contact lens which follows the technology of the runner and the urban Grid can access. This gives Faith a unique view of the world.

What is new about the Runner Vision in Mirror's Edge 2?

In the first part of Mirror's Edge, the lead Runner Vision was still very linear. Accordingly, the trails were very straight forward. In Mirror's Edge Catalyst paths are planned much more complex. The creators have used even a telemetry based system and the movements of players recorded to include all existing routes. The challenge is also building and sloping and uneven surfaces and objects to be considered in the route.

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