Summoning Altar Pieces locations Black Ops 3 Revelations

With the Keeper Protector in Black Ops 3 - Revelations, you can get rid of a lot of zombies. But first-of-all you need to build a guard protector for that you need to collect all three Summoning Altar pieces. They can be found at three different locations.

Locations of the Summoning Altar Piece 1

The first Altar part is a kind of skull, can be found in "Verruckt". The following list shows you the possible locations.

- In the basement, just off the stairs you see a shelf. Search there whether you can find the first piece.

- Outside the portal to your right climb up staircase where you possibly will find the first piece and a wheelchair.

- On the same level a little further through the kitchen you will find another wheelchair and there you probably find the first piece of the Summoning Altar.

Locations of the Summoning Altar Piece 2

The second Piece is the Red Flag and it is located in the area "Origins" and here there are three possible locations:

- Just before the burning scaffold with impaled bodies, you’ll find wooden beams and there you probably find the second piece.

- Climb the wooden ladder and leave in the corner next to a box there you probably find the second piece.

- Go back down to the prison and through the gate. Just to the right behind the corner of the wall may be you’ll find the second piece.

Locations of the Summoning Altar Piece 3

The last piece, which you need to build the Keeper Protector, looks like a large red gem and found in “Der Eisendrache.” Search it in following locations:

- Near the "derelict theater", you will immediately be able to see the ruby on the table.

- Another location is at the blue glowing pyramid on "The Iron Dragon".

- Go to the crypt, leading to Shangri-La and here on one of the barrels you can find the last piece of the Summoning Altar.

After you collect all Summoning Altar pieces, you still need resolve a puzzle. There are four areas on which you can build the Summoning Altar. You recognize this at the stone tablet hanging on the wall. Interact with this panel, you can build the altar, and then get the Keeper Protector for 5,000 points.

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