Get Unicorn, Riding Animal in Assassin's Creed Origins

In Assassin's Creed Origins, if riding a camel in Ancient Egypt deserts becomes too boring for you, then the Legendary mount, Unicorn, is the best choice for you.

In the game, if you have enough in-game currency Helix Credits or real money then you can buy various items in the shop including the Unicorn / mount.

There are two ways to get the riding animal for your protagonist Bayek - either buy 500 Helix Credits from Real Money (Cost you $4.99) or purchase an edition with Season Pass (Ex: Gold Edition).

So what requirements do you need to fulfill in order to get the magical riding animal?

 Unicorn, Bayek, Riding Animal, Assassin's Creed Origins

- If you already have enough helix credits, then you have to play the first 15 minutes of Assassin's Creed Origins.

- After this you get a chance to call your riding animal for the first time.

- First open your menu and then go too the store / shop for the accessories (Featured).

Buy Unicorn, Store menu, Assassin's Creed Origins

- Choose an upgrade for your riding animal and search for the 500 Helix Credits in the list.

- Now, the unicorn should be available under equipment in the menu. Open it and select it.
