In the latest and final installment of the Lara Croft's Tomb Raider video game series, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, there are a total of eight treasure chests scattered across the SOTTR map. To open these chests you need to have lockpicks and in this guide we’ll show you how to get them.
Please note that, you’ll have to complete side missions in order to receive lockpicks and also to upgrade your gear.
Once you have entered the Hidden City, you will be shown a side mission where you have to find a Takiy’s lost dice. For this you have to go to the north of the city. There you’ll find the little boy sits on a stone near a bridge.
The side mission "Takiy’s Dice" then takes you to Pisco the Dead, who in turn delegates to five other people. One of them is the Moraekah, who sells you lockpick for 2,800 gold pieces. With her you also get the ascender for 3,300 gold pieces, which you can use to unlock stronger doors to open secret passages.
Note: Always loot each enemy or sell all your gold so that you can afford both items. Buy both best directly in the side mission.
Locations of the Merchant during the Game
You can recognize the Merchant’s location easily by following the drum beat. You can hear the bongo sound from afar.
- First go to the north of Paititi, just before the mountain temple. In this area there are many puddles and a monolith. Just before the temple you have to look for her on the left side.
- Immediately next to the treasure chest in the Upper Town Paititi can appear a merchant. For that you have to stay in the East of the market and look for a small chamber.
- In the east of Kuwaq Yaku, near a mural and over a monolith, you could find her in the middle of the jungle.
- She was also spotted in the mission of San Juan. Here she stands directly in the entrance of the western Challenge Tombs.
- The last location is at the Quipu Overlook base camp. You will find this camp right after the Trial of the Eagle area and before you swing to Paititi. The merchant and bongo player are sitting around the campfire.
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