Modern Warfare 2 MW2: what’s new in update 1.04?

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 MW2 will be released soon. Before that, the developers released a new update 1.04 - the 2nd major update before the release. Here, we’ll shows you all the changes and fixes in this patch.


When is the new update coming? The 1.04 is now available to download.


How big is the update? The reports on this are currently very different. Xbox players sometimes report 60 GB, we had an update of 20 GB on the PS5. If you have previously loaded update 1.03, only 2 GB could be available.


What's in the update? The developers state that many of the current changes are based on player feedback on the beta:


Enemy Visibility

- New icon over enemy heads

- Adjusted light and contrast settings on the player models


Modern Warfare 2, MW2, What’s New, Update 1.04, Patch Note


- Footsteps are heard less far

- Teammate footsteps are more distinguishable from enemy footsteps

- Activation of "dead silence" can hardly be heard anymore


Third person

- When zooming, you only go completely into the visor view with large visors and special visors - standard visors remain in third-person when zooming



- There have been balancing updates but no details on them


User interface

- The user interfaces have been adjusted in the menu, the weapon smith and in general



- Sliding, hanging, and divas have been reworked, and beta movement exploits have been removed



- They don't want lobbies to be resolved after a game - the system isn't fully optimized yet, we're still working on it

Check out the complete patch note here:  
