NHL 24: how to perform Deke? PS, Xbox Controls guide

In this NHL 24 tutorial, we’ll show you how to do all the Dekes that are in the game (please note that here you need to use the Skill Stick controls)

NHL 24 Deke Xbox One and Series X|S and PS4 & PS5 Controls Guide 

One-Handed Tuck (Backhand / Forehand) 

Backhand Tuck - hold the puck onto your forehand and press LB+RB (Xbox) or L1+R1 (PS) at the same time. 

Forehand Tuck - hold the puck onto your backhand and press LB+RB (Xbox) or L1+R1 (PS) at the same time.

Backhand Windmill - hold the puck onto your backhand and press LB+Right Stick (Xbox) or L1 + Right Stick (PS)

Forehand Windmill - hold the puck onto your Forehand and press LB+Right Stick (Xbox) or L1 + Right Stick (PS)

Bank Self Pass - LB + RT (Xbox) or L1 + R2 (PS)

Behind The Back - hold your Puck onto your forehand - press and hold RB (Xbox) or R1 (PS) and then rotate your right stick to the left and put your left stick inwards and then both the left stick and right stick go outside.

NHL 24, How To Perform, Deke Guide, PS, Xbox, Controls Guide

Between The Legs Pass / Between The Legs Shot - hit LB(Xbox) or L1(PS) and then press in the right stick. To pull the puck in and out from between your legs while holding LB, repeatedly hit and release the right stick. If you have it between your legs, simply press RT(Xbox) or R2 (PS) to pass the puck or push up to make a shot.

Datsyuk Flip - hit and hold down the right stick and then hit RB (Xbox) or R1 (PS) 

Datsyuk Shot - Similar steps must be followed to execute the "Datsyuk Shot," except this time, shift the right stick upward to shoot the puck rather than pressing R1 or RB.

Jump Deke - Click LB (Xbox) or L1(PS) and flick up on your right stick at the same time to get that little jump with the puck.

Kucherov - Hold LB (Xbox) or L1 (PS) hold your left stick out to the left and then your right stick out to the right. To release the puck, you have to quickly shift your right stick into the forehand position. 

Michigan - hold the puck to your forehand and then hold down LB (Xbox) L1 (PS) after that hold right stick then rotate your right stick to the left and then to the right. The timing is key on this. 

Lacrosse - hold the Puck to your forehand and then hold down LB (Xbox) L1 (PS) after that hold right stick then rotate your right stick to the left and then to the right and then hit RT to pass.

Skate Kick - hold down LB(Xbox) or L1(PS) and at the same time pull down on the right stick. 

Between The Legs (through) - hold the Puck to your forehand and then hold down LB (Xbox) L1 (PS) after that rotate your right stick to the left.

Toe Drag - hold the Puck to your forehand and then rotate your right stick to the left.

Toe Drag Shot - hold the Puck to your forehand and then rotate your right stick to the left and then flick up for the shot.  

Kyle Turris - hold the Puck to your forehand and then hit and hold LB (Xbox) or L1(PS) and then go down with your right stick. 

The Zetterberg Deke - hold the Puck to your backhand and then hit and hold LB (Xbox) or L1(PS) and then go outwards with both sticks and then inwards with both.
