Best Apex Legends Season 22 in-game settings for visual and FPS

In 2024, Apex Legends continues to be one of the most popular battle royale games, attracting millions of players worldwide. To stay competitive, players are constantly optimizing their settings for both performance and visual clarity. Whether you're playing on a low-end PC or a high-end rig, it's crucial to tweak your settings to ensure smooth gameplay, improved FPS (frames per second), and high-quality visuals.

In this blog, we’ve put together the best Apex Legends Season 22 in-game settings for both visual quality and performance optimization. These settings are designed to help you get the most out of your hardware, whether you're looking for higher FPS or enhanced visuals.

Gameplay Settings

  1. Enemy Healthbar – Enabled

    • Enabling the enemy health bar helps you quickly assess the health of opponents, which is critical for making tactical decisions in combat. Whether you're up close or at a distance, seeing how much health is left can make all the difference when it comes to timing your shots.
  2. Enemy Highlight – Enabled

    • This setting highlights enemies when aiming at them, making them easier to spot, especially in chaotic firefights. It’s a game-changer for both performance and survival, helping you track opponents more efficiently.

Video Settings

  1. Display Mode – Full Screen

    • Full-screen mode is always preferable as it gives you the best performance. It reduces input lag and makes sure the game runs with full access to your system’s GPU resources. Avoid windowed or borderless modes, which can cause slight performance drops.
  2. Aspect Ratio – Native

    • Stick to the native aspect ratio for your monitor (16:9 for most players). This ensures the game’s visuals are displayed as intended without any stretching or distortion.
  3. Resolution – Native

    • Running the game at your monitor's native resolution offers the sharpest and most detailed visuals. However, if you're looking to boost FPS, lowering the resolution can be a viable option (but expect a decrease in visual fidelity).
  4. Brightness – Your preference

    • Adjust the brightness to a level that suits your environment. A higher brightness can make it easier to spot enemies in darker areas but be cautious, as it can sometimes wash out details.
  5. Field Of View (FOV) – 105

    • A wider FOV gives you better awareness of your surroundings, but it can impact performance. 105 is a balanced setting that allows you to see more of the environment while maintaining FPS stability.
  6. FOV Ability Scaling – Disabled

    • Disabling FOV scaling when using abilities prevents visual distortion when activating certain character abilities. This helps you maintain a consistent and clear view.
  7. Sprint View Shake – Minimal

    • Sprint view shake can be disorienting. Set it to "Minimal" to reduce camera shake while sprinting, ensuring smoother movement without unnecessary distractions.

Advanced Settings

  1. V-Sync – Disabled

    • Disabling V-Sync is essential for boosting FPS. While V-Sync can eliminate screen tearing, it introduces input lag and reduces your FPS. Disabling it ensures that you get the highest FPS possible, which is vital for competitive gameplay.
  2. NVidia Reflex – Enabled

    • If you're using an NVIDIA GPU, enabling NVIDIA Reflex lowers input latency and helps improve responsiveness. This setting can be particularly beneficial in fast-paced combat scenarios where every millisecond counts.
  3. Anti-aliasing – None

    • Best In-game Settings, Apex Legends, Season 22, Best Visual Settings, FPS
      Anti-aliasing smooths jagged edges in the game, but it can have a significant impact on performance. By setting it to "None," you prioritize FPS, and the visual trade-off is minimal, especially if you're running a higher resolution.
  4. Dynamic Streaming Budget – None

    • Turning off Dynamic Streaming helps to reduce stuttering caused by loading assets. This setting can improve the overall smoothness of your gameplay.
  5. Texture Filtering – Anisotropic 2X

    • Anisotropic filtering improves texture clarity at sharp angles. Setting it to 2X is a good balance for performance and visual quality. If your system can handle it, you can increase this setting for sharper textures in the distance.
  6. Ambient Occlusion Quality – Disabled

    • Ambient Occlusion adds realistic shading to the environment, but it can hurt performance. Disabling it frees up resources and boosts FPS without significantly affecting visual fidelity.
  7. Sun Shadow Quality – Low

    • Shadows are one of the most resource-heavy aspects of a game. Lowering sun shadow quality reduces shadow detail, which increases FPS and helps keep the game running smoothly.
  8. Spot Shadow Detail – Low

    • Like sun shadows, spot shadows can have a considerable impact on FPS. Reducing this to low maintains visibility without the performance cost of detailed shadows.
  9. Volumetric Lighting – Disabled

    • Volumetric lighting effects such as fog and light shafts can look visually stunning but are resource-intensive. Turning it off can lead to a smoother experience without sacrificing core gameplay visuals.
  10. Dynamic Spot Shadows – Disabled

  • Disabling dynamic spot shadows helps improve FPS by reducing the complexity of lighting effects. While the game might lose some realistic shadow depth, the performance gains are worth it.
  1. Model Detail – Medium
  • Model detail controls the quality of 3D character and object models in the game. Setting this to medium strikes a good balance between visual fidelity and performance, ensuring models look good without overloading your GPU.
  1. Map Detail – High
  • Since maps are a key part of Apex Legends, setting map detail to high ensures clear visibility of important terrain features without noticeably affecting FPS.
  1. Effects Detail – Low
  • Lowering the effects detail reduces the complexity of explosions, gunfire effects, and other visual stimuli. This reduces strain on your GPU, providing a smoother experience in high-action scenarios.
  1. Impact Marks – Disabled
  • Impact marks are the bullet hole and impact effects on the environment. Disabling this setting frees up resources that can be better used elsewhere, ensuring a higher and more stable FPS.
  1. Ragdolls – Medium
  • Ragdoll physics are responsible for the lifelike movement of dead bodies. Setting ragdolls to medium ensures that bodies fall realistically without overloading your CPU or GPU.

Conclusion: Maximize Performance and Visuals in Apex Legends Season 22

By adjusting these in-game settings, you can find the perfect balance between visual quality and performance, whether you’re on a high-end or low-end PC. While the settings above are optimized for most players, you may need to experiment a bit to find the ideal configuration for your specific system.

If you’re aiming for a competitive edge, prioritizing high FPS and smooth gameplay is crucial, and with these settings, you can make sure your experience in Apex Legends is optimized for peak performance.

Happy gaming, and may your next drop be a successful one!

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