KCD2 Console Commands, Cheats & God Mode: Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has finally landed, and with it comes a whole new world of possibilities. Whether you want to dominate the battlefield, amass infinite wealth, or breeze through challenging quests, you can make it happen with the game’s powerful console commands and cheats. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to unlock god mode, tweak your gameplay, and unleash the full potential of KCD2.

Console commands are great fun, but they can dramatically alter your gameplay. Always back up your save files before experimenting, as unexpected issues may arise. Additionally, while using cheats currently doesn’t disable achievements, this could change with future updates, so keep that in mind if you're aiming to collect all the trophies.

How to Enable the Command Console in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

To unlock the console commands, you must first enable developer mode:

  1. Open Steam and navigate to your Library.
  2. Right-click on Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and select Properties.
  3. Under the General tab, find the Launch Options section.
  4. Add -devmode to the input field.
  5. Start the game normally.

Once in the game, press the "~" (tilde) key to open the console, where you can input commands.

Updated KCD2 Console Commands & Cheat Codes

New Gameplay & Utility Commands:

  • wh_sys_NoSavePotion = 1
    Save the game without needing a Saviour Schnapps. Set to 0 to require it again.

  • wh_pl_LockPickingShakeOverride = 0
    Removes the shaky camera effect while lockpicking. Set to 1 to enable it again.

  • wh_ui_showHUD = 0
    Hides the HUD for better screenshots. Set to 1 to bring it back.

  • wh_cheat_money "Amount"
    Add the specified amount of groschen to your inventory. Example: wh_cheat_money 500.

  • wh_cheat_addItem "ItemID" "Quantity"
    Add items to your inventory. For example: wh_cheat_addItem 8d76f58e-a521-4205-a7e8-9ac077eee5f0 10 for 10 lockpicks.

  • wh_rpg_getLocation
    Displays your current coordinates in the game world.

  • goto xyz
    Teleports you to the given coordinates. For example: goto 450, 320.

  • cl_fov [value]
    Change the field of view (FOV). Set a higher number for a wider view.

  • cheat_set_wanted_level = 0
    Clears your wanted status, so the guards will stop searching for you.

  • wh_rpg_UnlockAllAchievements
    Unlocks all achievements and trophies in the game.

  • wh_horse_StealCurrentHorse
    Instantly claim the horse you're riding without needing to visit a blacksmith.

  • wh_rpg_OneShotKill = 1
    One-hit kill for most enemies. Be careful as it applies to you too! Consider using the immortality potion cheat beforehand.

  • wh_horse_JumpHeight = 200
    Increases your horse's jump height to the maximum. Warning: This may cause dangerous fall damage!

  • wh_pl_LockPickingDOF = 50
    Increases lockpick durability, making it much harder for them to break.

  • wh_pl_showfirecursor 1
    Shows your aiming reticle while using bows, crossbows, or firearms.

KCD2, Village Settings

Cheats (Use with Caution!):

  • wh_cheat_addItem "ItemID" "Item Quantity"
    This command adds any item to your inventory by specifying its item ID and quantity. For example, wh_cheat_addItem 9fa3000e-3807-48a8-bed8-81427f0bda55 10 will give you 10 bandages.

  • wh_cheat_money [Amount]
    Add groschen to your inventory with this cheat. Example: wh_cheat_money 1000 will give you 1000 groschen.

KCD2 Item IDs:

Here are some useful item IDs for you to quickly add desired items to your inventory. These can be used with the wh_cheat_addItem command:

  • 167eb312-0e9d-4c2f-8ce3-56c32f5a84cb – Gunsmith Kit
  • 9fa3000e-3807-48a8-bed8-81427f0bda55 – Bandage
  • C707733a-c0a7-4f02-b684-9392b0b15b83 – Blacksmith Kit
  • 238538b5-cd3e-460e-8e85-52c820edb716 – Cobbler's Kit
  • 27144e47-00aa-468e-a81b-49cb3b248b07 – Invincibility Potion
  • 8d76f58e-a521-4205-a7e8-9ac077eee5f0 – Lockpicks
  • B38c34b7-6016-4f64-9ba2-65e1ce31d4a1 – Marigold Decoction
  • 928463d9-e21a-4f7c-b5d3-8378ed375cd1 – Saviour Schnapps
  • 29a4f58e-6e00-4f9c-9273-1a76e0eccff0 – Smoked Sausage
  • 9f7a0c0a-6458-4622-9cc5-2f4dd4898b50 – Tailor's Kit

The Impact on Your Gameplay

While console commands provide tons of fun and convenience, they can also alter the core experience of the game. Using cheats may reduce the challenge and sense of accomplishment, so weigh the impact before diving in. For those who enjoy the challenge, use commands sparingly to avoid diminishing the thrill of the game.

Tips for Using Console Commands:

  • Backup Your Saves! Console commands can sometimes lead to glitches or unexpected behavior.
  • Experiment Gradually. Test one command at a time to understand its impact on your game.
  • Community Resources. The KCD2 community is full of helpful guides and ID lists. Make sure to explore forums and wikis.
  • Use Responsibly. The game is fun without cheats, so use them to enhance your experience, not replace it.

The Future of KCD2 Console Commands

As Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 continues to evolve, new console commands and cheats will likely surface. Keep an eye on modding communities and gaming forums for the latest discoveries. 

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