KCD2: Miri Fajta Quest - The Complete Marika & Amulet Guide

The "Miri Fajta" quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 involves finding the Voivode's missing daughter, Marika, and retrieving a valuable amulet. This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to help you navigate this complex quest.

Starting the Miri Fajta Quest:

  1. Locate the Nomads' Camp: This camp is situated near a pond southwest of Bozhena's hut (the herbalist who helped you at the beginning of the game) and northwest of the Mill.
  2. Speak to the Voivode: Find the Voivode, the nomad leader, in a tent near the combat arena (he might be moving around the camp). He'll tell you about his missing daughter, Marika, and ask for your help in finding her.

Finding Marika:

  1. KCD2, Herbalist, Bozhena
    Investigate Marika's Belongings: After accepting the quest, ask the Voivode if you can search Marika's personal space. It's located behind the cart in front of his tent. Interact with her scarf.
  2. Use Mutt's Tracking Skills: Give the scarf to Mutt (your dog) so he can track Marika's scent.
  3. Gather Initial Information: Ask the Voivode where you should start your search. He'll mention that she was last seen near Bozhena's cabin.
  4. Visit Bozhena: Go to the herbalist, Bozhena. She'll tell you that Marika and her lover came to her for Bohush's treatment and provide you with a search area in Apollonia.
  5. Track Marika with Mutt: Go to the search area in Apollonia and interact with Mutt. He will now follow Marika's scent from the scarf.
  6. Find Marika in the Cave: Mutt will lead you to a cave. Look for traces of blood on the stones and ground leading inside. Climb up to reach Marika. It's advisable to have a healing potion with you to give her, or be prepared to brew one and return.
  7. Speak with Marika: Talk to Marika in the cave.

Retrieving the Voivode's Amulet:

  1. Marika's Request: Marika will ask you to retrieve the amulet from her father, the Voivode.
  2. Return to the Voivode: Go back to the Nomads' Camp and ask the Voivode about the amulet. He'll be evasive and instead ask you to save his son, Tibor.
  3. Saving Tibor: Tibor is held prisoner in a barn at the Saddler's in Semine. You have two options:
    • Stealth: Sneak in and find the keys in a crate within the barn.
    • Persuasion: Convince the guard that freeing Tibor is in the village's best interest.
  4. Free Tibor and Retrieve Gejza's Body: After freeing Tibor, he'll ask you to retrieve his brother Gejza's body from a logger's camp. Gejza is tied to a tree. Again, you have a choice:
    • Stealth/Combat: Free the body, risking the loggers' wrath.
    • Persuasion: Convince the loggers to let you take the body for burial.
  5. Bury Gejza: Carry the body to the grave marked on your map and bury it. An interactive cutscene will follow.
  6. Ask the Voivode for the Amulet (Again): After the cutscene, ask the Voivode for the amulet again. He still won't give it to you until Marika returns a stolen letter.

Getting the Letter:

  1. Return to Marika: Go back to Marika's cave and deal with the wolves nearby.
  2. The Stolen Letter: Explain to Marika that her father wants the letter before he'll give you the amulet. She'll tell you where to find it.
  3. Locate the Letter: The letter is hidden in a hollow of a tree at the location Marika indicated.

Winning the Bet and Giving the Amulet to Marika:

  1. Return to the Voivode (with the letter): Give the letter to the Voivode. He'll still try to avoid giving you the amulet.
  2. Speak to Aranka: Talk to Aranka. She'll tell you that the Voivode might give you the amulet if you win a bet with him.
  3. The Bet: Propose a bet to the Voivode. It will consist of three parts: a horse race, a bare-knuckle fight, and a dice game.
  4. The Race: The horse race is very difficult to win, but you can still win the overall bet. Focus on the other two parts.
  5. The Fight: Win the bare-knuckle fight.
  6. The Dice Game: You need to score 1500 in the dice game.
  7. Claim Your Prize: After winning the bet, demand that the Voivode honor his promise and give you the amulet. A cutscene will begin.
  8. Complete the Quest: After the cutscene, you will have completed the "Miri Fajta" quest, reunited the nomad family, and received your rewards.

Rewards and Conclusion:

Successfully completing the "Miri Fajta" quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 offers several rewards, including experience, reputation with the nomads, and potentially some coin. More importantly, you've resolved a complex family drama and earned the respect of the Voivode. This quest showcases the game's intricate storytelling and player choice, allowing you to approach situations with stealth, combat, or diplomacy.

Tips for Success:

  • Save Frequently: Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 can be unforgiving. Save your game often, especially before crucial decisions or challenging encounters.
  • Prepare for Combat: The quest involves several combat scenarios. Ensure you have decent equipment, healing potions, and a good understanding of the combat system. Practice your swordplay and consider investing in relevant skills.
  • Utilize Mutt: Mutt is invaluable for tracking and finding hidden locations. Don't forget to use his abilities to your advantage.
  • Explore Dialogue Options: Pay attention to the dialogue and explore different options. Your choices can significantly impact the quest's outcome.
  • Patience is Key: Some parts of the quest might require patience and persistence. Don't get discouraged if you encounter obstacles. Revisit locations, talk to different characters, and explore alternative solutions.
  • Healing Potions are Essential: Keep a good stock of healing potions, especially for Marika in the cave and for the fights you'll encounter. Learning to brew your own can be very helpful.
  • Consider Your Reputation: Your actions in the game affect your reputation. Think about the long-term consequences of your choices.

Alternative Approaches and Outcomes:

While this walkthrough outlines the most common path, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 often allows for multiple solutions. You might find different ways to persuade the Voivode, bypass certain objectives, or even achieve a different outcome to the quest. Experiment and explore to discover all the possibilities.

A Deeper Dive into the Narrative:

The "Miri Fajta" quest is more than just a fetch quest. It delves into the complexities of family relationships, cultural differences, and the challenges faced by nomadic communities. By understanding the motivations of the characters involved, you can make more informed choices and appreciate the depth of the story.

Beyond Miri Fajta:

Once you've completed "Miri Fajta," you can continue exploring the vast world of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, undertaking other quests, developing your skills, and uncovering the secrets of Bohemia. The game offers a rich and immersive experience, with plenty to discover beyond this particular questline.

We hope this comprehensive guide helps you successfully complete the "Miri Fajta" quest. Good luck, and may your journey through Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 be filled with adventure and intrigue!

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